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You might be interested in The Good Neighbor it looks similar to Don’t Breathe and that aspect doesn’t look to be included in this film. I think it comes out this year.

Haha I remember most of these! I miss seeing big face Kaz Harai from bashcraft though.

This is the He-man one.....

This is the He-man one.....

Also heard “Do You have any toothpaste” lol

your not alone I can’t wait for this...!!!!

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This is how dangerous turbulence really is :)

So this is the face I kick every time I stub my toe on a door?

V has come to...

No not trolling it always was clear as day to me guess others didn’t pick up on this, weird... Here’s the plot summary for both films:

No I believe the Incredibles was more Watchmen than Fantastic 4, well besides a family of 4 with powers.

Yup, so he can create the METAL GEAR REX!

On second thought it will actually be out tomorrow officially through Konami’s You tube account.

No Fear the Big Homie Yong Yea tweeted that he is currently in the process of translating the video with subtitles so probably in a week or so it should be up.…

I also used auto fire on my 3rd party PS1 controller lol. I think that was just a Hideo threat.

Edelkrone makes some pretty solid products, but they can be a tad expensive probably because they operate from overseas. I bought the FocusONE Pro a few years back and it is really nice but I barely use it. Too bad they got rid of their holiday sales a few years ago. You used to be able to get some really good deals

Bring back the grey beard Fahey!!!!

LOL...I love these articles but Kotaku needs to finally move to video for articles like these via hangouts or skype similar to what REV3 Games did (r.i.p) or even a podcast. But this probably has to do with Gawker wanting people to come to the site for advertisements and not through youtube. Which is fine with me

No way dude, That’s definitely Kirby!!!