
I know you’re just trolling, but ignoring the EV drivetrain, can you get a remotely similar sized 4WD vehicle for $30K?   Not even close.

When people walk out of previews six weeks before a movie opens, they generally have two responses: glowing praise or absolute silence. It has zero bearing on the final critical or audience response to the movie. 

Fuck you for referring to Ezra Miller’s crimes as “tumultuous times” for him.

When I eat a food and wipe my mouth with a napkin, I am not walking around afterward with paper-smeared food on my mouth. I suspect you never learned how to wipe yourself properly.

Sounds like Big Bidet got to you already

I love JLC but Stephanie Hsu is the better ‘supporting actress’ in EEAAO.

Also kinda bummed that Angela Bassett lost out. Sure she “only had one decent scene” but Judy Dench won for ten minutes of screen time in Shakespeare in Love (and being screwed over the year before in Mrs Brown).

Hey Lifehacker, I’m going to show you how to write an article:

Plastic drywall anchors are just freaking fine for any application that you would WANT to hang stuff on drywall. There are dozens, if not hundreds of different solutions to hanging stuff on drywall and a lot of people make it into this huge debate about

Don’t be lazy - posting some pics of the different kinds of anchors would make this article way better.  You probably could figure out how to make a slideshow out of it!

The title of this made me think contestants were accused of assault during filming or off camera but no, they are charged outside of the production. So in honesty the show has absolutely nothing to do with their charges except they once appeared on it. So just what is it that you are trying to insinuate here? 

You missed the most obvious - whole life insurance. As opposed to term life insurance policies, which are usually for hundreds of thousands of dollars in coverage, and expire, whole life covers you for… your whole life. I always describe it to my clients as death expense coverage, usually only sell coverage in the

What on earth is this article? You say it’s steeped in assault allegations and then it turns out to be a throwaway line at the very end where it turns out two (2!%) of the (unnamed) contestants have allegations against them. Is that even higher than the average at all?

It has literally nothing to do with the show, or

Ooooo, a $30 increase for a year.  Yeah, that would make me pause and consider turning my subscription off as well.

Just keep having Chris Judge doing it,

This feels right on par for Geoff. No one outshines him or his Award Show. Only except for Hideo Kojima. With whom he fantasizes being best friends with.

I thought I was reading The Onion at first ...

Congrats to Jez for playing their part in the bullying!

Yeah, holy crap. Is this the level of automotive expertise and insight we should come to expect here? To me, this issue is so fucking...basic? What next, a story on wipers that move at different speeds? YOU’RE USING YOUR WIPERS WRONG PEOPLE!

I loved the first four seasons, but there was something wrong with season 5. It felt too Hollywood. I get that previous seasons of the show included North American actors (Mackenzie Davis, Jesse Plemons, Jon Hamm) but it never felt like they were pursuing movie stars for stardom’s sake. Season 5 did. It was no longer

It is kind of funny. White people been stealing black music for a century. But the ONE time a black man steals a white man’s music we neeeever hear the end of it.