
The posters for Blip-themed dating apps/sites were a good way to subtly note where we were on the timeline, I thought. 

The concern trolls make a distinction between the N95 masks health professionals wear and the cloth masks most people wear. Not that it matters; this study shows masks help prevent the spread, period. But mah freedumbs.

It doesn’t matter. People have chosen what side they are on and they aren’t changing. This pandemic has only reinforced my belief in how stupid people are.

I was thinking of strictly reporting any Republican politicians and donors... as I don’t want to accidently file a complaint against someone standing opposed to this law.

From 1939 through 1945, the Nazis had their own nuclear program.

I’m also going to write your social security number on my body.

Fake Vaccine Cards? Probably a hundred bucks or more.

Utah seems to have the solution. Their governor called for a weekend of prayer to stop the drought. It’s a time proven method that should easily take care of the problem.

Something Is Killing Florida’s Manatees in Record Droves

Valisure has provided a list of sunscreen products that don’t appear to contain benzene,”

Is it just me, or does hearing about finding a guy stuffed into the leg of a statue with no obvious openings was “probably just trying to retrieve his phone” sound like if they found Jimmy Hoffa buried in Giants Stadium and the explanation was “he was just trying to locate a hotdog stand?”

This is the most useless guide. The answer is apparently:

1) Make sure your device can play 4k (google it)
2) Make sure your HDMI plug is 4k (google it)
3) Make sure your streaming service supports it (google it)
4) Make sure your show is actually in 4k (google it)

They’re just a reflection of the real American society (the true and ugly reality, not the fairy tale ‘Merica-koolaid bullshit): I got me and mine, so fuck you and yours. It’s a mindset that predates this country’s founding. After all, what did the first settlers do to the people already here? Yeah, that’s right: I

Dogecoin is just another decentralized digital currency. It’s legitimacy is what people make of it, and considering it currently has a $70B market cap putting it #4 behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance, I’d said it has outgrown it’s original meme status. To put that into perspective, they have the same market cap as

I heard she blew her cover once she talked:

Not to give this woman a hall pass, but she sounds mentally ill.

I’m glad I didn’t peak in high school and am mentally stuck there.

If wind power could be used to fight a hopeless and pointless war we’d be all for it, all of our prior major achievements (highway system, telecoms, space race) were all about winning the cold war, and there was opposition to all of those things (maybe not telecoms), but not from people with power. As it stands,

What’s sad about this is something that is so sensible and achievable is considered ‘radical’ and ‘ambitious’ in modern America — the same country that built one of the world’s largest national communications networks, electrical grids, transportation networks, etc, etc. At what point did American exceptionalism turn