I think Suri's burn book is hilarious! Does that make me a bad person?
So where is the post about all the rad peeps that DO call themselves feminist?
My friend's brother works on this show. I feel like some bribery/kidnapping/coercion is in order to score us some set sneak-ons.
Cry while sleeping because I multitask, y'all.
When I saw this title, I read the word "naturally" like Jenna says it in 30 Rock. Teehee. That is all.
I actually like this song despite who sings it and who is being sung about. It makes me want to lay on a hammock with a pina colada and be rocked back and forth by some warm ocean breezes. Anyone else get that vibe? And say what you will about Mayer, but the dude can croon. PLUS PRANCERSICING!?!?!?
I feel the same way.
Uhhhhhh milk has a shit ton of sugar (lactose) in it.
Just what about Miley's video was funny???? What " humor" was she talking about?
If only...
I really hope I never have you as a nurse.
You win the internet!