
Did anybody actually watch their Devcon keynote? In addition to running actual Android apps, they are also providing developers with tools that will automatically convert their android files in to Blackberry BAR files and submit the app to App World, all in the click of a button. If developers are paying attention,

Jaws for the NES. Can be beaten in 10 minutes if you try, but still fun.

I hope he gets to take that rack home and display on the wall.

I can understand why the wireless companies would be somewhat against it. Spectrum is a finite resource and getting emergency calls to go through is WAYYY more important than some schmuck updating Facebook.

I want one to use as a coffee table. I supposed I'd have to put an outlet in the floor for it though.

I haven't bought a single map pack since they jacked the price up to $15. I refuse to pay over $10.

Why no mention of the Bold 9930? I guess you don't support your advertisers.

It was the only channel still reporting about the Hurricane at the time. I figured maybe I could get useful information about what was going on given the people he had in studio and on the phone.

The real issue is that when these homes were built, this area didn't flood. All of the development further north pushes more and more storm water into the river, causing this area to flood. The homes came first, the flooding came later.

So very sad. Who the fuck honestly took time out of their day to tell complete strangers that Beyonce is pregnant? Secondly, who actually even gives a shit? None of you know these people. You don't hang out with them. You don't call them and say, "I'm grilling and drinking beers, swing on by." Seriously, what

I am a resident of Manville, and fortunately lived in area that wasn't flooded. I am absolutely enraged by the children in Congress using this disaster as a chance to play politics. New Jersians pay way more in Federal taxes than we get back, so don't screw with sending us aid to fix this mess. Maybe if they had

How about some episodes with game people have actually heard of? I want to see him take on Ghosts n' Goblins!

because 90% of people don't use a friggin Mac. They use control+F.

Also put in there, "Don't force me to be auto-billed on a credit card because I only want to buy internet service from you." This is what Verizon Fios has done to me. Internet only = auto-billed credit card.

You wanted to listen to radio while watching tv because you like to party.

Have you ever actually had to call Verizon for support or a repair? These people barely deserved to be paid, let alone get any benefits. Maybe if they weren't the bain of their company, they wouldn't be trying to take away so much.

Holy shit. What did RIM ever do to anybody that writes for this site? Wasn't Apple that had one of your writer's apartment raided and his computers confiscated?

There really needs to be a keyboard shortcut for Paste Special Values other than Alt E S V

Will they give me one for buying the abomination that was the first wireless headset?

Why the fuck would you want Apple to buy Hulu? You should be begging Amazon.