
I hope for the love of God that he makes revamping their human abortion of a billing system priority number 1.

Still can't do this on my Blackberry.

Target Verizon next please!! Their billing system is a crime against humanity. Maybe a total security breach will force them to get their shit together.

N - Nemo (Little Nemo: Dream Master NES Game)

Easy solution: Only Gold members can post ratings.

God, this douche is such a pompous ass. He still owes me a shit ton of money for all of those PS3's I found when they were supposedly sold out.

I find that most traffic jams are the result of some jackass driving a Honda having no fucking clue what the hell is going on. Also people don't know what a pair of sunglasses and the visor that has been standard in every vehicle made in the past 70 years are.

If that was New Jersey, it would have take a year and a half, and over $100mm to repair.

Firefox also tells you when you open that there's an update. People actually had to go out of their way to get IE9.

I love Halo, but I'm paying a fucking monthly fee to play it. Kotick can fuck off and die if he really thinks that's happening. I won't even pay the $15 that asswipe charges for CoD maps.

It sure as shit isn't SiriusXM right now. They put up this new site that looks like it was designed by Mel Karmazin's granddaughter and to top that, the online player doesn't fucking work.

I think they can thank the Wii for this, as most Wii games are ported to the PS2.

@kaffenated: I just picked up the 3700 to replace the turd that was the Linksys e2000. It's like the feeling I got from using cable internet for the first time after switching from dial-up. The thing is fucking amazing.

It'd be really sick if they made Kinect tables that use the camera to have your avatar mimic your actual poker face.

How has no body mentioned this:

You should put an asterisk on PA. PA residents are only allowed to buy novelty fireworks (snakes and sparklers) while out of staters are allowed to buy whatever they want, mostly people from NJ, NY and DE get stuff in PA.

I'm using the router/modem Verizon gave me as I have no idea if I can even use my own modem and router combination for FiOS.