
It's really been dialed back.

This email is totally depressing to those of us intelligent, sensitive men who participated in fraternities. When I was a frat brother, yes we did drink, but we never, ever would "mack" or "hit on" girls that were past the point of good judgment. That's a horrible awful thing to do. In my frat, we learned a sense of

Wow, this really does reflect the worst of college bro culture. It's unconscionable that there are college students out there who think that this behavior is okay.


I don't know if I'd call him "stupid;" making a generous splash seems like a pretty fitting Clemente tribute.

She had a Ragu jar with the U covered ready to go, just in case news went the other way.

People make naming babies too damn hard. If it's a boy, name him after the frat bro to whom mommy lost her virginity that drunken freshman orientation weekend
HA! Just kidding, your whore wife never did learn his name.

I would have expected Trojans to be for choice.

I'm convinced that this is performance art.

Looks like Vanderjagt still can't put away the Steelers.

I don't like a story where the person who comes across like the least biggest piece of shit is Mike Vanderjagt.

Isn't getting plowed by a train of crazed football players a nightly occurrence at ASU?

Lucky thing that we have the video or they would've already burned his uniform to cover up the cleat marks. Jesus.

The "English Channel rules" also mandated that Nyad swim by employing a series of awkward, arhythmic, inefficient strokes while holding a dead parrot in each hand.

Not to be out-done, Marshall will be lead on to the field by a Douglas DC-9-30 this year.

Sure assholes, make fun of him just because he's brave enough to pursue a dream. I for one admire this man's spunk.