
Gotta catch 'em all! "Double D, I choose you!" Is that a pocket monster, or are you just happy to see boobs?

I'm more of a "whole girl" kind of guy myself; I don't obsess over particular anatomical features, but take account of them all in judging physical attractiveness.

At first I thought that said "Portal Fleshlights"

You are welcome.

Thanks for the clarification. I was 80-90% that you were joking, but, while I haven't seen NPCs picking up food from the environment, I have seen them munching on food occasionally... maybe poisoned food could have been a special kind of food they'd pick up? And since stamina poisoning kids isn't killing them, your

Good point!

Can you poison food, or are you joking? I tried google first, but that didn't answer it. I'm playing a warrior, so I've been selling every poison I come across. Otherwise I'd load the game up right now to figure this out for myself.

A child that's an "immortal tattle" makes the game less fun. Either give gamers the ability to kill them OR the ability to bribe them with Sweet Rolls and Long Taffy Treats. In fact, it could become a mini-quest: "Okay Dragonborn, since you like thieving so much, steal 5 sweet rolls for me from the Jarl's house or

What's the name of the Mod? I searched for "Dragon" and none of the results seemed to be what you were talking about.

I very much approve of your project. People I've played against online have been some of the meanest, most unpleasant people I've ever come across in my 28 years. And I'm a guy; I can only imagine what it'd be like to constantly be on the receiving end of what you girls face.


Just keep in mind that the graphics card is just 1/3 of the equation. If either the CPU or your RAM aren't up to snuff you could hit a bottleneck, which would mean that your expensive new card would vastly underperform until you also upgraded whichever other part was the hold up. (Why does PC gaming have to be so

Well, maybe I gave bad examples. Maybe a better one is a large party where you meet and start chatting with a friend of a friend? Assume that you'd never otherwise see this person unless you both coordinated something. You might interpret your hour-and-a-half chat with this person as indicative of a potential

The article is not about acquaintances you always see but about one-time chance encounters that you'd like to see again. Like people you meet in a queue, in a waiting room, etc. and this is the only chance you have of maybe starting a friendship.

That happened to me at first too, but I've since noticed that the non-moving draugrs look slightly different from the ones that'll stand up on you.

I haven't tried to climb anything so steep with my horse, but I can confirm that the horse goes invisible if you bring the camera low enough (but I don't believe that's a bug but an intentional design choice to avoid the camera going into the horse, or blocking too much of the view)

Nice PA reference. You made me laugh. :)

"... and plans to add many of the features suggested from its users (e.g. multiple account support and improved notifications)."

Yeah, you're right. The excuse I'm gonna go with is that I've gotten very little sleep over the last few days because I've been staying up 'til all hours playing Skyrim. :)