

Yes, he should talk about that. You reading the comments, Stephen?

I've been meaning to ask: why are PETA making a stink about Mario's Tanooki suit NOW? Instead of, say, the 90's?

I'd just go up to her and say "Hey! Listen!" over and over and OVER again. (Navi, Ocarina)

No, Dropbox doesn't let you do that, but I have a possible workaround for you. You could use Belvedere to periodically copy the files you want synced to a new folder and sync that folder.

Were there 4? I only remember 3 (Mage, Warrior, and Thief), but I may have missed one.

Yes, it's worth the $60. No, there's no DLC yet (unless you want to count a bug-fixing patch)

#28 The Listmaker

Now playing

I always cry whenever I hear Tifa's theme. ALWAYS.

Step 1 of Rinoa cosplay: make an appointment with your favorite plastic surgeon...

Ironically, I have a raccoon in my backyard that dressed up as Stephen Totilo for Halloween.

Yes, those were the three women I was talking about. In any ad, video game, or action movie, being ogled by women/being an invincible killing machine/being the best driver of expensive cars/etc. are all code for the same escapist, Übermensch fantasy where losers get to pretend to be important. If you don't know what

Somebody please do a GTA-LOTR mashup! Dealers slingin' pipe-weed. Legolas doing a drive-by with his bow and arrow. Gandalf jumping out with a machine gun, yelling: "say hello to my little friend! No really, here's Frodo. Say hello to him."

I counted three women checking out men in that 1:30 clip. It was like watching an Axe body spray commercial. Vicarious ego-trippin', "aren't I powerful, look at my big gun." Been there, done that, I think I'll pass.

Maybe. At the beginning the accent sounded kind of Mexican to me, but then it started sounding Italian.

I guess I was projecting when I assumed you were in high school. :/ Sorry 'bout that.

I'm guessing that you are in high school? I don't mean that as an insult. It's just that I remember myself saying the same sorts of things when I was in high school. We'll see if you feel the same way in 10+ years....


It's called metonymy. But even if he'd been wrong, c'mon, don't be that guy.

The idea is that you replace the broken item with a functioning one, even though you don't have a receipt.