I assume "a manly room" means bear rugs and bison heads on the walls. You know, the room "The Most Interesting Man in the World" would live in. Or else "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like."
I assume "a manly room" means bear rugs and bison heads on the walls. You know, the room "The Most Interesting Man in the World" would live in. Or else "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like."
Since its evil week, here's a strategy for what to do if you want to exchange a defective product but no longer have the receipt nor the packaging, or else the return/exchange policy time limit has expired:
It could also be cultural. The Brits have a male voiced Siri, for example.
Great, thanks for the clarification. :)
Hey Adam, what do you mean by "changed" in the lede? Do you mean that the plus operator now has a new function replacing the old one? Or do you mean that the plus operator no longer has any function at all?
Yeah, I have. The mouse doesn't like peanut butter, I guess.
I, too, am dealing with a mouse problem. Except this mouse doesn't stay behind ceilings or walls but comes into my apartment.
He shoe-d have known better. If he turns state's evidence for a reduced sentence, I'm sure his co-thieves will really want to sock him one.
A) I'm in grad school, fool.
And obviously, by "break" I meant "demonstrate." (Yuck. Why am I back on this page? Okay, for reals this time, I'm done).
That-a-kid. When you're wrong, ad hominem is the way to go. Gonna break Godwin's law next? I go to Penn, if you must know, and I'm 28. I'm a Libra, I like long walks on the beach, and I'm allergic to condescending and vituperative know-nothings. Ah-choo!
I thought you were pro-business? Permit me to repost something I posted above:
And thanks for the well wishing. :)
I meant we need a fixed amount of money to pay off the debt. I agree, the government can always find new ways to spend money.
Our country faces myriad money problems. Among them: our infrastructure is falling apart and our nation's debt is enormous. Giving to charities won't fix these problems. (Unless you think upgrading the north-east corridor's high-speed railways could be funded through charities, in which case I'm wasting my time with…
Taxes/government spending have EVERYTHING to do with how that money is best spent. When we give subsidies to corporations, that is a decision about where that money should go. When we fund medicare, that is a decision about where that money should go. When I buy a candy bar from a gas station, that is a decision about…
I reread your post. You're right, you didn't mention devaluing currency. I just assumed you had a point when you brought up how prices are set by supply and demand. Turns out you didn't have a point at all. I apologize for projecting meaning onto your gibberish.
My family is in the top 1%. I go to an ivy league school. I actually know the children of several billionaires. You just are wrong.
Lest we forget, there is also Elizabeth Warren's point. Her argument is that rich people got rich by using the common infrastructure created by the society in common, and funded by taxes — roads and railways, an educated workforce, a reliable legal system to enforce contracts, a reliable public safety system to…
A poor person spends more (percentage-wise) of each paycheck than a rich person spends. Replacing income tax with sales tax would shift the tax burden onto poor people. As in, the people who can least afford it.