
Awesome tip! I had not known about it. Now my podcast listening will go a lot smoother. Thanks!

So that's what I was missing. Thanks

@spookymonster: I assume you are referring to the banana and how IDers talk about the stem as a "pull tab from God."


@Gameboy70: You can sync Simplenote to Dropbox without a premium account by using ResophNotes (you can find a link on the download page of the Simplenote website).

@ZenMage: Yes, the value already existed in HKCU. Sorry, I was only paying attention to where the drive letter ended up, so I don't remember whether the HKLM value was successfully modified by your script or whether I tweaked it manually. :/

@Whitson Gordon: This didn't work for me. Turns out I also needed to modify the ShowDriveLettersFirst under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer

@ZenMage: Your AutoIt code didn't work for me. :/

This switches the drive letter from after the drive name to in front of the drive name.

@jcnoble2: I can't help you with (1); that's just how xmarks works. :-/ Are there any chrome extensions for editing favicons?

@DavinClytias: I empathize, but I agree with yiff. I'd also add that FF is open-source; you don't like it, fix it yourself.

It works in FF for me, but you need to add "void(0);" to the end of the javascript, so it looks like:

Nice script! Thanks bunches :) Though I don't ever use a projector, I changed the hotkey to Win+O (For Off)

Cardstar worked great on my iPod Touch. I haven't tested it out on my new iPhone.

No problems for me yet. Note:there was also an update for iTunes itself. According to the changelog for iTunes that I found on filehippo, that update is for interfacing with iOS 4.3

I was a PDF-XChange user for a while, but then I learned that I could get Acrobat Pro from my school for $55. Adobe really know what they're doing. If you can find it for cheap, make the switch.

I live in a Studio apartment, so my one table pulls double duty as work and eating surfaces. My solution is to keep my laptop on a very high stand; any spills will happen below/in front of it. At the same time, I either set my wireless keyboard aside, or else keep it on my lap but tucked under the table.

As a gamer, I'm supposed to be mesmerized by bouncing breasts, not bouncing red afros. But I can't... tear... eyes... away...