
Yes, for two reasons.

@xaronax: 90% of all statistics are made up.

@Greetings-I-come-from-afar: If you do not want to create a custom power plan, that menu will always have the Balanced plan as one of the options.

@dede2: To undo any of the switches, put a 0 (that's a zero) instead of the 1

Three times in less than 250 words is not exactly an unnoticeable number of times for a writer to use litotes.

To disable the Ping sidebar:

@KrautMcfriend: Frivolous purchases make the economy go 'round, my friend.

Most of my distractions come from outside my word processor.

@DaveyNC: I was just about to post about that same issue.

@Gotlactose: Hooray indeed! I like it a lot!

@musiqrulez: Always be upfront with your expectations. Be specific. Don't expect people to read minds or have the same understanding of decorum.

@cavemangames: They should've added zombies and/or Nazis instead. Worked for CoD...

@ThreeOneFive: There should be a registry. Like they have for sex offenders.

I don't think the 'officer' available from Best Buy is the same as that 'soldier' in the image above.

@kagekiri: For some reason your computer is using the Windows 2000 sort order. Here is a Microsoft Knowledge Base article to fix the problem:

@The_Doc: Jeeeessus. Apparently I'm feeding the trolls. (Didn't realize I'd stumbled onto /b/...) I'll say this, then I'm done with this argument: