The sexist neanderthal-drooling I'm reading in some of the comments is not appropriate. Please stop.
The sexist neanderthal-drooling I'm reading in some of the comments is not appropriate. Please stop.
@Sandra: I'm glad you like the bookmarklet. :)
@LetsPlayTwo: You have to click on it each time you visit. This way, you're switched to the basic version by default.
@monsterblues: Here's the script I use (a more updated version of Owosso's link):
I'm not going to lie: I'm excited my tip spawned a full-blown post! :D
@diamondsw: Preach it brother/sister!
As a life-long Yankees fan and a die-hard liberal, I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass on this game and every other game released by 38 Studios.
@minusX: Wish I'd known that an employee might do that for me...
Been playing this game. I'm a fan!
For the White Supremacist who refuses to have ANYTHING black in his house
@ursa: I don't know! That's a great question!
"Maybe they'll spin the space mission off into its own game?" he asked, vocalizing his secret, wishful thought. "A modern take on X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter? The kind of game I've been waiting for since, well, since X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter?" Upon hearing his own words, he began to weep violently into his hands, tears of…
Maybe they should take a cue from therapy sessions and rely on a "talking stick". :-) By that I mean a button-less doodad that gives it's holder control over the xbox's motion controls. Maybe it could also detect whether voice commands are coming from the same general location?
The hypothetical baseball tickets' values aren't sunk costs. That is, you can sell them. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but scalping tickets is legal as long as you aren't selling for a profit.)
I was hoping that they had non-US shows as well. Ah well. Guess I'll have to keep shelling out for my UK proxy.
The double underline in the picture is frighteningly thick. Luckily, I tested out the change and the thickness is fine (pun noted but unintended).
Reminded me of this:
G-damn it. I JUST went through my privacy settings a few days ago. Looks like I'll have to do it yet AGAIN. :-(
I recently found out about Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth. He discovered "bee space" (the optimum distance at which the combs should be spaced). His wikipedia page is interesting (for those who enjoy reading biographies of interesting people, anyway)
@Jake Kirkendoll: This trick also works on the bottom border (double click with the double arrows and it maximizes vertically but not horizontally).