
Where have I seen that oily skull before...

I don’t use this site’s Recommend feature often but your post is getting a star.

Wasn't Katy Perry canceled for exposing that one man's genitals?

So... where is that 875,000 bucks going?

Heh heh, that was quite entertaining. I’m sure the experience was very cathartic for him by the end.

Please don’t link to Tik Tok videos anymore. I’m reading this article on my tablet and the embedded videos don’t load property. Or they load very slowly. So I clicked on one of them to go to the site and the mobile version of the site is absolute trash, with the video zoomed in all the way and no scan bar on the video.

More video game stuff for the archives!

Anyone else?

They don’t have to be.
It’s bad optics if now parents are complaining about this. On top of that, the reduction of teenage boy views might lower ad revenue... though I don’t know if there are already restrictions in place for ads on Twitch the way there are on Youtube.

These people who are complaining need to get parents involved so they don’t let their teenage boys on Twitch anymore for ogling scantly-clad women who objectify their bodies for money. Maybe that’ll get Twitch to change some of their rules and add some age restrictions. But these types of streams are here to stay, one

Well, yeah, the games handled it differently. But Circle is still basically the A button. Some devs just don’t view it as the confirm button.

Backlog games I’ve effectively let go:

PlayStation controllers always had the A equivalent on the right. Circle to confirm, X to cancel.
It’s as if game developers on Nintendo consoles just made B confirm and A cancel, without those buttons swapping places.
Few games on the Switch actually do that but generally, it’s A to confirm.
Nintendo themselves haven’t


This time try it with a third hand from a second player.

“Picross” is basically owned by Nintendo. Heck, this specific series is by the same developers who made the Mario Picross games of the 90s.

I have a backlog of basically all the 3DS Picross games to get through first.

It’s not quite Nier and not quite Nier Automata, but rather a lovely amalgamation of the two.

This series was so good. It inspired me to make my own sprite comic called It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Duck’s World.

Uhh... I’ll just count the Switch games.
Because there are so many PC games I now own digitally due to super cheap bundles that... it’s pointless to even count them. It’s hundreds. That’s it.
So... Switch games in my backlog? Oh... around 50, give or take.