
Maybe not the article itself but definitely the title.

Generally, I don’t expect Kotaku articles to have such misleading titles.

Is any of that junk recyclable?

Was it just a bulge or was there some transparency there and he may not have been wearing undergarments?

They should’ve acquired AlphaDream before it went kaput.

Pfft, what does he know?

I’m currently struggling to complete Skyrim as quickly as possible. There’s a lot of sidequests and many involve making certain game altering decisions or potentially involve named characters needlessly dying. It’s nerve-racking and taking more time than I expected. I like the game well enough but it’s approaching 500

Real life racism and fictional murder.

Pepsi Cola by MIAMI-SOFT?

But what about Death’s Door?

No, seriously. Who’s Capge?

It was a foxhouse inviting hens over.

Don’t forget Final Fight in Final Fight: Streetwise!

“To be honest, I’ve always thought about half of Bebop’s popularity was because of the ‘Tank!’ opening.”

It's either CGI Keanu or Keanu with a lot of makeup and camera effects thrown in.

It’s emblematic of a larger problem with the game.

There’s a fairly big difference between player led goofiness and baked in goof.

Bad take is bad.

after early work on the sequel was thrown out and the game’s direction rebooted.

I had a brief conversation with the developer of this game on Twitter.
I bought the game during one of my regular searches for sub $2 games. Some time later, I noticed Nintendo games on sale for less than $1.99 no longer existed.
So I tweeted about it.