
I eat stuff like this, or that big Nintendo gigaleak, right up for breakfast.

Something something, canal sex.

But if that digital game is only found on a single store—like, say, the Wii Shop—then all it takes to effectively remove that game from the world is one company going “Eh…shut it down.”

Geez, leave it to AVClub to write an article about Kirby Super Star that Kotaku should’ve put out there years ago! Instead, they gave us article after article about the overrated Robobot...

These models just continue to look so damn bad. How did they mess this up so much?

It’s the Dan of Chess moves.

It’s neat to see all the little things that change when scaling a game engine from a glorified Android tablet to a high-powered next-generation console, even if it completely ruins one version of Crash Bandicoot 4 for me.

Those games don't need any of that.

I mean, it’s at least better than the NES Zeldas... and the tedious Oracle games. It’s also better than... both DS Zelda games. Speaking of Toon Link, it’s also better than Wind Waker, which I’ve always thought was overrated with its terrible dungeons. Regarding the N64 games, it’s definitely better than Majora’s

I’ve found Minish Cap to be the definitive 2D, or maybe just bird’s eye view, Zelda experience. I don’t know, maybe it’s because it’s the first Zelda of that style I’ve beaten (on my 3DS).

Those Foot Clan ninjas don’t look like robots...

Maybe he left because he noticed an influx of women new-hires at Avalanche.

I’m not a fan of battles that can only be won with a specific build. I just look online for the build someone else used and then use that. I did it with the first Bravely Default (Bravely Second seemed much easier). I didn’t even like doing it in Golden Sun, but at least there you didn’t really have to worry about it

Was that not just for Europe?

So, uh... what’s the situation with the 5.5.4 update back in 2019? Did that actually hit regions outside of Europe or was it just for that region?

Good take.

At no point did I say he shouldn’t have complained about it. I was with him until I found out his complaint was nothing more than a temper tantrum and the words in his tweet ultimately meant nothing.

Yeah, nice try, but I didn’t equate expecting to be treated with respect with “wanting attention.” You can’t just make up things people have said.

Okay, so Google is a garbage company worth canceling your game over because doing business with them is a LIABILITY... UNTIL they give you the attention you seek.