
Yes, that was one of the RPGs I had in mind. I loved that game, even though it’s a bit of an incomplete mess by the end.

Everyone says a different fucking game lmao there’s never any consensus; never has been.

I do wish there was a JRPG that let me use every member I’ve recruited at the same time. Ten party members attacking enemies at the same time would be pretty awesome.

What’s wrong with Shadowrun Returns?

I remember watching a playthrough of Fallout on youtube some years back. What struck me at first, since I had never seen the original Fallout in action before, was how much the gameplay and overhead view reminded me of SNES Shadowrun.

I remember initially playing Final Fantasy VIII some time in the late 90s. It was my first attempt at playing any Final Fantasy game. Since I could only play at my brother’s place, and I only visited there once every other week, and the game was super confusing, I quit the game after about 3 sessions or so. I wasn’t a

Now playing

But no mention of level 10 of Stinkoman 20X6?

You misunderstand. A bunch of utility belts transform into this. Sorta like Cloud’s ridiculous sword in Advent Children.

His artwork doesn’t really translate to video games. The designs of a specific character aren’t always consistent with how they look in game. And that sort of makes sense since he had to bring to life pixel characters from video games dating back to the NES originals. His art filled in the imagination gaps. There’s

That’s definitely an artistic choice to have that sketch look. Sometimes it has that sketch look to it, where the art kinda dissipates on the edges.

Surprisingly light on the belts. I figured he would’ve been loaded with utility belts.

Well, I mean, excess of crap is a whole lotta crap.

That puff of Batman is 10x better than whatever the crap this is.

That’s the one. Made by the same guy who made Basket Case.

What an embarrassment.

There's always General Leo... but there's definitely room for improvement.

Ah, they’re going to list both Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, right?

Doesn’t look super taxing based on the trailer. They couldn’t work on a version for Switch?

Yeah, I remember indigo, platinum, and... orange spice or something like that. I forget what they called the black one.