
Sombrero? Eh, maybe that can go.

Earthbound goes beyond “this game is so wacky” as well.

this will be the best $10 you could ever hope to spend on a video game



Yes, it does.

it’s irresponsible for the developers to disseminate his ideas without context


Many have been excellent. Some, like The Alliance Alive (which somehow keeps getting re-released each year) have been duds.


Who or what is Supreme?

Some people in the comments section here don’t seem to understand that how willing someone is to do something, such as entering the porn industry, while still a minor is completely irrelevant.

How willing she was as a minor is irrelevant.

She as a minor wanted it, which is irrelevant.

Her choices are irrelevant. She was a minor.

She was 16. She was molested by her mother’s boyfriend as a child. She was at least a victim of her terrible childhood... which she was still part of when she entered the porn industry. She was also the victim of an irresponsible adult who thought it would be a good idea to give this child a phony driver’s license and

The ESA is fine when they’re actually doing their job.

I mean, women DO like diamonds, right?

That’s what happened with Dragon Quest Builders.

Sure, there’s still a scene. On the website’s New Files page (here:, there are uploads from sequencers daily. I mean, the site is a little slow in moving them over to the archives but they’re still there in New Files for people to browse through. People will also use these MIDI files to create