
Looks like a lot of folks stocked up on OJ during the ‘08 crash. Just like all the crazy people who flock to the grocery store before a snowstorm.

Good lord, that website. No sources (“According to new source”) and clearly not from the US (the grammar and calling it a “match”). The rows of the table don’t make sense either!

Yes yes, let’s make it more expensive for people to visit the beautiful city of Cleveland. That’ll boost its already-sterling popularity!

I’m more interested in the “BURRITO” credit card that man is paying with. Where can I get one of them?

From a data perspective, it’s incredible how tight the variation in offensive rebounding % is over time. Almost a straight line!

I wonder if it’s a CBP thing to be a total asshole. I have a friend who married a guy who works for CBP on the border. He’s the most intolerant, loud-mouth assclown I’ve ever met in my life. Whining about how “over 90%” of these Mexicans are druggies and rapists, and how he has to take “bullshit tranny training

It always makes me laugh when I hear Republicans are big into “personal responsibility” and bootstraps and all that shit, yet Trump’s core constituency is the people complaining that no one is giving them a job. Maybe learn a new skill, start a business, or stop bitching about all those “lazy poor people”?

“the invention of time?” What the fuck does that mean?

There’s absolutely no reason for Election Day not to be a federal holiday. We have one for that fucking shitbag Columbus, so there is zero excuse that isn’t important enough.

This is the thing I keep reading today that I don’t understand. Everyone saying “you all were mean to them and now they’re fighting back!” Like, what the fuck are we supposed to do? Pat them on the back, and tell them “Right on! I hate the coloreds too!” I’m sorry if not dumbing down our language and ideologies makes

It’s an interesting trend for these cities to be heavily taxing tourists who come into the city with hotel taxes and car rental taxes. Discouraging people from leaving their little bubbles and exploring the country/world is pretty troubling. Though it doesn’t surprise me in light of last night.

Jesus tap-dancing christ...

“if Florida loses 2 of its 3 remaining SEC games, Kentucky loses its two, and Tennessee wins the rest of theirs, then Tennessee makes the title game”

This is amazing.

I love how Arians is one of those “man’s man” type tough guys who is now complaining that his center was lightly nicked on the back by a toe.

“I understand that our Neanderthal fans can’t understand the extreme complexities in preventing our players from showing emotion while also overlooking real actual violence, but it’s not my fault they’re not as brilliant as I am.”

Trump shits all over H-1B visa recipients, many many of which go to Indians, and is trying to reduce those numbers yet many of them still like him. Fascinating.

He won the first 2 debates so well that his polling numbers have plunged off a cliff since then! What a beatdown!

I would LOVE for someone to ask Trump what TANF and ARRA actually stood for, or what the program used for.

Did Trump just claim that all the good chemistry jobs are in China, Vietnam, “overseas”?