I'll never forget, I tried a Pumking last year and it tasted like buttered popcorn. Buttered freaking popcorn. Horrifying. Never again.
I'll never forget, I tried a Pumking last year and it tasted like buttered popcorn. Buttered freaking popcorn. Horrifying. Never again.
I was curious what state he was from when I saw him call Perez "boy". Georgia. Of course it is.
Seriously! And what about that drug cheat Tom Brady? A few years ago he tore his ACL and COULDN'T EVEN WALK for a few months! How do you come back from that and all of a sudden be a good QB again? That's some shady shit.
Oh so you've never played a sport before.
I'm afraid they're going to end up in the same situation as the 2007 Rockies, getting so incredibly hot that they run train to the World Series, and then have to wait 7-10 days for the NLCS to finish, and there goes all the momentum. But I'm sure as hell enjoying their ride in the meantime, I'm totally on the Royal…
Sure, it might fuck up their eyes, but they'll all be dead from CTE in like 10 years so, like, whatever right?
He should thank the Orioles for not intentionally walking him, which they would've done in any other game.
The best part was while his soaking was going on, he was high-pitched screaming and yelling "It's so cold!!" Pretty funny from such a tough, brawny guy like him.
This is my final reply because I can't stand being dragged down this insane rathole any further. The only time I would ever *think* of hitting a woman (or a man, really) is if I was physically scared for my life and well-being. Of course it is about strength, regardless of gender. My reaction to being threatened by…
If you actually watch the video, which you apparently didn't, he corners her in the elevator then punches her and she flails her hands to try and block the violence. The momentum of the punch throws Ray back a few steps and she moves toward him and Ray knocks her the hell out. There is no conceivable way you can put…
You realize he hit her first, right? He started the whole situation. And that he's a massively strong human who could easily subdue her and diffuse the situation without knocking her the fuck out? Especially to the woman he supposedly loved and married.
I'm having PTSD flashbacks from a couple years ago of some of my fellow PSU alums.
As a Penn State alum, but certainly not a JoePa truther, this at least makes me feel a tiny bit better that there are jackass factions of fans for other organizations that willfully ignore horrific crimes.
Totally, this never would've happened at any other school!
Child rape jokes are so gosh darn funny, aren't they?
NCAA: "Wins shouldn't be so important that you do terrible things like ignore a child rapist! So we sanction you with vacating a ton of wins from the past and making winning a lot harder in the future."
Totally agree. As a bleeding-heart liberal, I was ready to get my outrage on, but it really wasn't that bad at all. The only time he goes off the rails is when he gives one of his "theories", which are pretty dumb and unfounded. But most of it was just a stream-of-consciousness business discussion.
You forgot "being gay is a choice." Dude's comment history is like a conservative parody account.
So when the media publishes their inane slurp pieces on Johnny Football or Tebow or LeBron or Tiger or Jameis or Jeter, etc. do you find the time to post "who cares??" comments on those stories as well?
There is an intersection like this near my house on my commute. I do what he did nearly every single day. What a ridiculous reason to pull someone over.