
But you know who has seen the video? The police. Because it exists.

You got served in 7 minutes. Impressive.

Holy hell. I live in Boston and still hadn't heard of this. A fat guy mocking a woman for being a fitness advocate and making fun of her ass. What a lovely human.

Holy balls you've never listened to T&R then. Less progressive??

"We stuck the full list of supported devices below, but it's basically everything."

People who create Kinja accounts to hand out spicy hot takes like this are my absolute favorite. God bless. Please stop by more often!

Dude in the back shrugging his shoulders and side-moonwalking, FOR THE WIN.

So you clicked on the article despite knowing it was about the Redskins' name, knowing that this site is against the name, and were annoyed when they said that they were against the name? Are you angry when the rain makes you wet?

I'm not even a huge Papi fan, but if a .272 average, .500 SLG, 32 doubles, 20 HR, and 75 RBI in only 125 games in only his 2nd full season is "barely a major leaguer," I'd love to know what qualifies then.

Those light poles are hardcore. Love their design.

France absorbs an early offensive from Germany and then just surrenders? Wouldn't have expected that from them.

So you don't agree that she was cyber bullying him to an extent when needlessly escalating the situation by siccing her followers onto his page to shame him? I feel like it's a reasonable discussion to have. Including my other point, which was about her "body autonomy" hypocrisy.

Everyone involved in this story is awful. Richman is awful for responding to the trolls in such a negative way, and this chick who sicced her cyberbully friends on him is just as bad. Especially when she's morbidly obese and says "I'm all for body autonomy and what another person chooses to do with their body isn't

This is the homeboy that banged the post in the 119th minute, not the PK shooter.

I normally enjoy long-form articles on this site, but damn I'd like the last 15 minutes of my life back, please.

Damn. I got the first word but to pull that second word of her ass is freaking incredible.

Look I hate the Greek team more than any team in the Cup, but I challenge you to sprint toward a pole/tree/tall object, cock your leg back, and hit your ankle against said object. Try not to fall down.

If it wasn't for this story, "your sport" wouldn't even have made a ripple in the sports landscape, so perhaps you should be thankful for the exposure.

You created a burner account just to provide us with this sizzling hot sports take? Strong work.

Yeah I love how she just gets up from her seat and moves in so that douche can slide farther down the railing.