Using an awesome but silly 24-year-old video game to simulate a real championship game is a joke? What other bold takes do you have??
Using an awesome but silly 24-year-old video game to simulate a real championship game is a joke? What other bold takes do you have??
What the hell happened to the Olympic rings on the second guy from the left??
Not sure what that's trying to make fun of. The dude is doing a muscle-up, and he has proper form. Stop this (
You're partially right. He was basically a "professional" Crossfitter, so he does work out full-time but was paid by all of his sponsors, so he's not really unemployed.
You should do this for that scumbag Luis Suarez' flop today that gave them a point in the standings.
Jock Jam was a bunch of awesome silly CDs, you're thinking of Rock and Jock. Get your 90's references right, son!
The best part was that you could hear Eddie Gunz announce the penalty in the background, and then say "the play results in a touchdown" and everyone looks at him like WTF? before he corrects himself. I friggin love Eddie Gunz.
Totally. Moving from PA to MA and coming to find out about the lack of pump locks was incredibly upsetting. Such a pointless law!
Just focus on Travis Booker on that possession. Watch him float around aimlessly setting bad picks and standing near the ball-handler. Then realize he gets paid $1.385 million this year to do that. And cry loudly. Happy Tuesday!
Yes, because a one-game playoff like the Super Bowl always determines who the best team is, right?
I love this so hard.
I'm pretty darn stoked that the fantasy playoffs started this week, having Peterson and Reggie Bush as my RBs. Timing is everything...
Agreed. He was tough but fair in his perspective.
How the hell did Australia's odds not get massively higher? I'd take Cameroon or heck even Iran and Costa Rica over them.
And their first knockout game is against the 2nd place team of France/Swiss/Ecuador. Can sleepwalk to the final 8!
I'm partial to the CANS in Group B.
The DNA match is somewhat decent evidence, I would guess.
So the electorate is supposed to vote first, and then later be informed of the merits of those in the running? This really is a true representation of America!
I've never heard of a rec softball league that has a maximum number of hitters. That doesn't even make sense.
Oh whatevs, the team I told him to take also won. I'll expect 5% of that pot in the mail tomorrow, thanks.