
There absolutely needs to be a penalty for an unsuccessful challenge, much like a timeout in football. Whether is an out or a strike or something, there needs to be some disincentive or else shithead managers are going to challenge everything at the end of games when they're losing or salty about a previous call.

It's pretty impressive that you managed to write an entire 8-paragraph article about two players and not once mention which school either one plays for.

Personally with your choices I would take the Bengals. Second choice Texans. And I agree with TippingPoint, never take a road team, that's literally the only rule I have and it's lead to much success.

That sure devolved quickly into awful bickering at each other. Racism! Flyover states! Snobbyness! Generalizations! Feelings hurt!

Love how all 4 defensive linemen blow past their OLs and attack the QB, absolutely none of them with the presence of mind to think that "hey, maybe it's a trick?"


I'm friends with the guy who drove his duck boat in the parade yesterday. I talked about this and he wrote back "He boarded the duck with a can of bud light, by the time I pulled the ladder up he had a can of miller light. Elapsed time, 30 seconds. It was 9:45 am."

I consider myself a fairly smart dude but I still can't wrap my head around this rule. So basically Middlebrooks' only course of action in retrospect was just watch the ball fly by him, effectively giving up the game without making an effort?

I guess hyperbole comprehension isn't your strong suit. Though in addition to this week's Tattoogate whine, there was a general "Big 10 hater" whine, and not one but two whines about OSU not being high enough in these meaningless rankings.

The way you whine about something OSU-related every week in this series, it seems pretty reasonable.

It's simple. Give them a cut of their personal merchandise sales. Popular players make lots of money, walk-ons like this guy don't.

Regardless, turning down stimulus money, especially for education, is freaking insane.

Allentown native, and I agree. I was honestly hoping our state food would be pierogies though. Fuck scrapple. Mmmmm pierogies...

It amuses me to no end how all these mouth-breathers get their panties in a bind about these meaningless rankings.

So Northern Illinois should be ranked higher than Georgia. Got it. Solid logic.

Looks like Frank Beamer.

It actually looks like he was running so hard that he overran it by just a hair, since he had to reach back over his head. Would've been an insane catch!

It's true. For the Deadspin weekend blogger to not delve into the intricacies and impact to the Hockey East season is disturbing and unacceptable.

The odd thing is the letters are either correct (I, N, Y), or two letters ahead of the correct letter in the alphabet (everything else). I'm morbidly fascinated as to how this happened.