
My team is not ranked high enough in your meaningless, off-the-cuff rankings! Death to your family! A plague on your house!

Guess I should've read the grayed out comments before being the 9th person to point this out...

My favorite part of this video is at the 3 minute mark where you can see Johnson try to be a tough guy by sprinting in from 3rd base and where does he stop? He swings in right behind the umpire in between him and Fernandez. Hold me back, ump, hold me back! What a clown.

Ohio is 2-0 and should not drop.

God I remember growing up on peanut butter and apple butter - made from the giant brown Musselman's apple butter jar! A little slice of heaven. That shit was amazing.

Respect to the cameraman for sticking with the flight of the ball instead of alerting Pam to the incoming pain.

Another interesting little tidbit from the Yahoo story was that Braun paid $5,000 to a friend to dig up dirt on Laurenzi. What a classy fellow.

After becoming aware of issues with the site

I came here just to say the same thing. Good on ya, Breesy.

Yeah that 2.32 ERA was really the main obstacle holding the Phillies back this season.

"I'm southern by the Grace of God"

Oh noes! I Googled "bear steals food from colorado dumpster" and got hundreds of links, and many of them were from last night before it was posted on Liveleak! How is that even possible?!?!?! I think I need to sit down for a minute.

Chip? I still don't get it. I need a hug.

I've always found that the best way to fight population decline within a community is to alienate and take away the rights of a not-insignificant portion of said community. It creates a sense of intolerance which people are lining up to be a part of these days.

Is that cape just a button-down shirt (look at the collar) with a shitty logo ironed on? That'd be even more egregious, if it were possible.

"Shithead Tuxedo" is the fucking best thing I've read in ages, bravo Barry. I'm adding that to my vocabulary ASAP.

Yeah. That must have been so easy for them!

Ehh, he was running on the inside of the foul line. I'm no umpire, but I'm pretty sure they made the correct call.