
Exaaaactly. Dude is completely full of shit.

Holy shitballs I laughed way too hard at this. +1

My goodness, that J-archive site is insane in its meticulousness. Advanced Jeopardy sabermetrics and all! Gotta work on those daily doubles, Barry-san!

Jack Edwards is freaking adorable. That's a man who loves his job, and I respect the hell out of him for it.

That's rich, because Donyell Marshall used to run a basketball camp in PA where I grew up and he'd have some of the coaches and players help roll blunts for him. ALLEGEDLY.

I did too. I think it's the all-caps that got me. Very Magary-like.

I'd say rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline, synchronized swimming, and anything involving horses are even better examples. They're such incredibly niche sports compared to something as basic and global as wrestling.

That's like saying to your girlfriend "I want to break up" and she says "No, I want to stay with you", and you think "Oh well, I guess I have no choice but to stay with her!" There's a difference between "wanting" to fire someone and actually pulling the trigger, which they certainly had the power and authority to do.

Not to mention he fucked up his conclusions in the FIFA officials bribery case so bad, it was completely overturned upon appeal.

I've always wondered that too. If it was just the '01 shower incident: "Former PSU coach accused of child abuse"...from an overall PSU perspective, is it that big of a deal? Sure it'll be embarrassing for a while that it happened in your facility, but I don't think it would've hurt the overall image of the school

Your last paragraph is great and totally sums up my feelings on this situation.

Protecting yourself from future lawsuits is a bad thing? I never understood the outrage at that. OMG an elderly man dying of cancer is thinking about the future for his wife and children! How dare he! If you fucked up and thought you might get sued, you wouldn't do anything to protect your assets?

Yeah he desperately needed that cushy retirement to pay off his tiny house that he's lived in for 50 years while giving away a large chunk of his salary to build a library and fund needy student scholarships. I don't know how he would've survived without it!

Did I not say they all (including OMG Joe!) deserve the blame they have received?

That makes sense, but really the Freeh report was paid for by board members of the institution who weren't to blame (Curley, Schultz, Paterno, and Spanier were no longer there), and the report laid 99% of the blame on those 4, which you could argue was what the result the board was hoping for. A validation of firing

One of the things I liked about this report was that they actually interviewed people who specialize in profiling and prosecuting sex crimes (Jim Clemente) and behaviors of pedophiles (Dr. Fred Berlin).

As a PSU alum and diehard football fan, I have come to realize this as well. There are so many layers to this onion, it's nearly impossible to describe Paterno's role in just a few words. It's just sad and tragic for all involved. Except Jerry, fuck that guy.

Totally agree. He's just light years ahead in terms of size and strength to most of these guys that he can drive the lane, take the punishment, and still make the shot and free throws any damn time he wants. I don't even like the guy, but it's remarkable to watch how easy it is for him to blow by any defender in the

I know, the cold is so scary and hurts everyone's feelings! How will anyone survive?!

Yeah! I can't refute any of your points, but I know I'm right so you should just shut up and go away! That'll teach you!