
Yes. Boston, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh were the only cities watching the Super Bowl in such large proportions. I hope you don't work in a math or science field.

No. I watched the segment. They were joking and laughing about the graphic the entire time. They knew it was tongue-in-cheek. I hate having to watch ESPN, but they are allowed to have fun once in a while too.

That might have been the most useless, information-less article ever. "Different QBs throw the ball differently." Well shit, thanks broseph.

I love this.

In addition to the numbers being 6 months old, it also seemed to be awkwardly worded that they were focused on "likes" from American accounts.

Well I obviously don't know what everyone does/doesn't do, but I have plenty of gay friends and I'm unaware of any of them constantly raping straight dudes in locker rooms or public places, ha.

The irrational fear that some people have where they think gay people just want to constantly fuck everything with a pulse is freaking unbelievable. Have you ever even talked to a gay person? Don't flatter yourself.

"His main characters stood up for values that we once told ourselves are quintessentially American: humility, modesty, doing the right thing even when it bucked the system."

What, you don't see the parallels between this story and a 77-year-old movie?

No wonder the bumbling clueluess jackasses from the NCAA looked at the Freeh report and said "Uhh, yeah this should suffice." Lord knows they can't do a proper investigation themselves.

Don't know if it matters, but the Eagles have training camp in Bethlehem (Lehigh University), so maybe Marty bought a place there?

Strong work this year, many props to you. But how on earth did you decide on Bob Barker for last year? That's pretty random!

Notre Dame administration not giving a shit about highly-publicized incidents among their students? The families of Declan Sullivan and Lizzy Seeberg are not surprised.

I never understood the "Rudy was offsides" thing even though I hear it all the time. Based on that clip, how in the world can you deduce that? If it's just a "fuck Notre Dame" thing though, I'm totally onboard.

The Vick comparison was merely in reference to him being a running QB who will be constantly hurt due to his running. Which, you know, is what QCIC's comment was about. Would you care to compare him to a white QB who ran for 800+ yards in a season and was injury-prone? Jackass.

Totally agree. He is Michael Vick version 2.0

"Laws don't apply to criminals."

+ 1

I must be a dummy, because I don't even understand what the winning photo originally was. The boxing dog, MJ, and Kent State are my top 3, they are fantastic.

Maybe I'm fooling myself, but I've always found that you get more of everything in a Chipotle burrito bowl. Who needs the soggy tortilla anyway?