
Sure he might his killed his friend, and he might have been busted for DUIs in the past, but we should be a lot nicer to him, you guys!

In a town like that, you'd think she'd be more inclined to biting than licking.

I agree. In the original post I think it was Raysism that had a horribly tasteless joke about wishing Romeo (Crennel) had killed himself instead. I don't give a fuck that you're a popular "senior" commenter around here, a fucked up comment is a fucked up comment and it should be dealt with all the same.

I thought the same thing. That dude/lady better be running far far away right about now.

Being the 58th best tackler and having some good seasons in '10 and '11 is certainly deserving of being named the best overall player in 2012.

And every time I see one of his interceptions replayed, it's ALWAYS someone else tipping a ball up in the air and him diving to catch it. Congratulations, you were roaming the field not covering anyone and were lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Way to let your teammates do most of the work on those

Agreed, I'm more terrified of our typical late-season run where we win our remaining games, finish 8-8, and Vick and Reid stick around for yet another season of mediocrity and disappointment in 2013.

In his last 6 seasons, he's made more than one 3-pointer over the entire season ONE time, and a 23% career shooter. Math is hard.

See the gif I posted to Michael's response

Perhaps this gif will help. Definitely wasn't down, he was leaping through the air. Only the tip of the ball has to touch the beginning of the white line, whereas here the replay clearly shows the entire ball was beyond the front of the line before the Nebraska knee knocks the ball out. Even the Sean McDonough and

The most embarrassing thing on Saturday was this not being ruled a touchdown. PSU down 4 with 6 minutes to go, and the replay officials somehow said this was knocked out of his hands before it crossed the line. Well played, NCAA. Well played.

Amen, brother. What an insane rule.

You're right. We should never try to invest in new technology. Our current resources are infinite. What the hell is all this "science" stuff really about, anyway? Such a waste of time!

And we beat the everloving fuck out of them, even with our small roster. Must be a proud day in Iowa.

I forget all the exact numbers, but the worst part was that for many months, Corbett assigned something like 15 investigators to a case involving corruption charges of his political opponent. At the same time, he had exactly ONE investigator looking into the Sandusky allegations (as you mention above). Shows where

I actually meant to ask you in my post if you were going to do one on the horribly corrupt governor. Thank you, sir.

This is what has frustrated many PSU alums since the beginning of this fiasco. There are likely dozens of people who had equal, if not more, culpability to letting Sandusky do his monstrous deeds, as you are correctly pointing out Dom. But the only one (based on the lack of comments/caring at this article and the

It was on CBS, but I heard some affiliates didn't show it in place of their shitty sitcoms or whatever is on Monday nights.

Absolutely unbelievable tennis going on between Murray and Djokovic. 5th set madness. I highly recommend it. The athleticism is just off the charts with these two.

Ohio State has been doing this for years. They've always claimed they were 6 straight Big Ten champs from '05-'10 even though the lost the tiebreaker three of those years.