"NBC has taken this liberty we've given them and used it to craft narratives that do not actually exist and to eliminate the ones they'd rather we not see."
"NBC has taken this liberty we've given them and used it to craft narratives that do not actually exist and to eliminate the ones they'd rather we not see."
It's great that you were able to have kids after all you've been through, but yeah that's...that's just wrong, man.
Fair enough. Good talk, fine sir.
Certainly he knew something, I'm not arguing that. If you believe the Freeh report, he's by far the most culpable of administrators at PSU. I don't consider it gospel until Curley and Schultz can finally tell their side of the story in court, but I digress.
He's so untrustworthy that "He noted that his security clearance (which he apparently had obtained while still at Penn State) “required a re-review when the Sandusky matter surfaced in November” and that federal investigators conducted their own probe of his role in the scandal. The federal investigation ended with…
Opposing coaches are hanging out in front of PSU players' apartments now, per the Twitters. The NCAA fixed everything, you guys! The culture of winning at all costs has been cured! Happy day!
Stop it right now with your logic and sensibility. Everyone else in the world is a super tough guy who knows and understands all the implications as it happens and never makes an error in judgment. Same thing applies to the McQueary situation.
Pageview, my boy, pageviews. Paterno, though he's certainly guilty of being involved, was the least culpable of the big 4 (not to mention Second Mile, the Governor, etc), yet no one in the media gives a shit about the others because the public doesn't want to read about bureaucrats they don't know. It's just the…
No one except the two people that responded to Sean's comment before you, right?
Absolutely. Every decision by the Board has been made to satisfy the media, or the outsiders, or the students/alumni. To hell with making rational or informed decisions, just do what others want. This is why the alumni want them all to resign.
The three main "facts" that Senor Ross presented about PSU were completely wrong (multiple statues? 1998 was 25 years ago? 3 or 4 pedophiles abusing children?), but I guess that's just a minor point. Yet another informed opinion making its rounds.
That's actually what they may do. I've heard it'll either be moved to the library or the PSU Sports Museum. Seems reasonable to me.
For what it's worth, I meant to say "...but nearly everyone wouldn't be upset if it actually did *come down*." My bad.
While I agree the Freeh report was probably very accurate in its conclusions, there is the fact that Paterno, McQueary, Curley, and Schultz were never interviewed for their side of the story. I don't know how much they would've been able to refute their pretty obvious ignorance, it would've been nice to get a…
Isn't it great to paint 500,000 students and alumni in one sweeping brush stroke? I mean all Republicans are crazy gun-toting Tea Partiers and all Democrats are hippies Occupying something, right? Because I just ASSUME that the lunatic fringe that occurs in every group is a complete representation of that group,…
I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but in addition to all the other reasons already mentioned about how the NCAA has no jurisdiction here, the death penalty can only be applied to a team with previous major violations. Stanford and PSU are the only BCS schools to have never had a major NCAA violation.
So to recap the last few days...
If you had actually read the "documentation" of the 2007 text, you would've seen that this "documentation" is merely a student saying he remembers it being sent, but has no way of proving it.
YouTube comments are just the best thing ever. "black guys complaining about a call = every rec center basketball game ever in history"; "why is it against an all black team like i know our people are athletic as fuck but damn racist much"...gotta love them...
I'm the one who submitted that crazy kickball video. I played in that tourney and my teammate is the one who filmed it. It's been on like 40 different websites and made Around The Horn today, and it has like 60k views just today. I shouldn't be this excited, right?