The Kimmel/Silverman music videos are tremendous. How they have that many Hollywood connections is beyond me.
The Kimmel/Silverman music videos are tremendous. How they have that many Hollywood connections is beyond me.
NESN's replaying the Sox's Mother's Day Miracle from last year. Hoo-rah.
Looks like the 500 or 600 fans that were there were pretty upset about this.
Ok, the Norbit joke made me laugh out loud.
@The Legend of Vincent Tremblay: That big dumb animal went to my high school's rival. You know how hard it is to stop a 7-footer in high school? It wasn't even fair.
"In one movie you play a princess, and in the other you're a secretary to a congressman, which is more believable?"
I like how Regis says thank you like 6 times at the end of interviews, and the interviewees run out of things to say until it devolves to "Cool, no problem".
@Hank Scorpio: That Clooney interview was painfully awkward. Not to sound too, um, "fabulous", but has the Reege gotten work done on his face? I just watched an old Who Wants to be a Millionaire today, and he looks totally different.
Holy unnecessary whitespace between posts, Batman!
I'm proud to say that Mamula exposed himself in my hometown. It's a fun fact I like to throw in at parties, galas, etc.
One of my good friends was interning for a CT practice working on this case (last summer), and he said there were some juicy details and that it would be a huuuge deal if it became public. Hopefully it sees the light of day soon.
@neckbeardedclam: I dunno, I thought "ONCE A ROUND MOUND ALWAYS A ROUND MOUND!" was pretty insightful.
@Turkeyleg: I believe you wanted to link to this, Will.
"Auto racing (which includes NASCAR) is most popular among those with a high school education or less (19%) ..., while it fares worst among those with a post graduate degree (2%)"
Not one but two Tecmo Bowl references, outstanding. That "fucking Jim Thorpe" line was great.
I like that under the heading of "Ultimate Humble Pie" the guy writes "The Giants were unbelievably lucky on several plays, especially on that last drive". What humility!
@Hustler of Culture: So true.
Evan is a total toolbag but freaking rocked that Eliminator...he'd make a perfect gladiator.
I would let Crush kick me in the head anytime