
that fucking wall...

I want to die

Suck it Peavy

Is anyone sopcast'ing this? My yahdood roommate refuses to turn away from anything Pats related, ugh.

kanye's glasses RULES

slow motion boxing replays are freaking horrendous

If I ever see Anthony Morelli walking down the street, I will do my damnedest to restrain myself from stabbing him in the face. My hate for him is astounding.

I've been sent this link by many many of my fellow alums, it makes me proud.

J.D. Drew's been intentionally walked in 2 straight games I believe. High comedy.

Brew Crew with 4 errors in the first 4 innings...come on, help out the Rockies, guys!

TheWrathofQBEagles fully endorses that picture (although the down sweep play is far superior)...

As a recent Penn State alum, it was a pleasure watching them smack around Notre Dame in a room full of my girlfriend's ND alum relatives at a wedding reception. I was such an annoying prick. Good times.

Wow, even the NESN studio crew is already drinking the "Hey, the Wild Card isn't that bad!" Kool-Aid...

It's come to the point where my diehard Red Sox roommate just swivels 180 in his chair, dead silent and absolutely STEAMING, and pacing around the living room/kitchen when Drew or Gagne fucks something up. Catch the Red Sox fever!

"Juan Salas has not been a mystery this inning".

hell hath frozen over...JD Drew hits a homer

Nothing like Roy Halladay screaming FUCK YOU to the 1st base ump after a close play and subsequent HR cost him 3 runs...good times.

In response to #3 on that Scoop list, the fact that the U.S. Open shows about 6 different commercials drives me absolutely bonkers...I've never wanted to harm a small child like that freaking [] girl, good golly.

Looks like within about 6 weeks, Joepa's taking back the all-time wins lead, woohoo!