
You know what else is important? Understanding language, rhetoric, reasoning, argument, logic, etc.

I am so sick of this bullshit prioritizing science and math over the humanities. People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they

Like you, my handsome rescue lad is not impressed by Sarah McLachlan and her emotional manipulation. He just wants to be told how pretty he is.

The only “Found Footage” movie I might be prepared to accept would be a Five Nights At Freddy’s movie (even then, I am not totally convinced that it couldn’t be done better conventionally). Other than that, this news fills me with sorrow.

I have never lived in an area in the US with decent or even usable public transportation. My daughter goes to college in a small city in the south, no public transportation. There are not even sidewalks and most stores/businesses are along a divided 4 lane highway so you would take your life in your hands trying to

*He was terrific in Gods and Monsters, though.

I call resurrecting the Great Auk first! Then velociraptors to see if they do look like toothy turkeys.

OR, just forget about those pesky, pesky hominids, and start focusing on bringing-back extinct species that still actually have an important niche in our modern-day ecosystems.

About to have my first at 36. People keep telling me “your life is about to totally change!” I am acutely aware of this. It’s precisely why I (and my husband) waited until we were ready for that change to have children. It’s not like I’ve never observed human beings becoming families in modern society so I have no

The way he’s looking at dad ever possible.

Yeah, it’s not a meeting of the Security Council. It’s not a White House presser. It’s one of 122 gatherings in which players deliver the same “I just wanted to play a good game”-esque platitudes to sports writers because I guess we’ve decided they need to tell us the story of the game after playing the game ... of

What is it with some American people and kids? Kids are part of the community. Parents are part of the community. But people get so pissed when parents for one reason or another with or without privilege end up bringing kids to a “designated non-kid” space (of which there are many more here than in any other country I

“Oh what a day — What a lovely day!” OPTIMISM!

The last 5 pounds? Well that's just fucking adorable.

If you are letting your baby cry for hours on the advice of actual doctors, please go get a new fucking doctor. I have three children. I practiced “cry it out” with all of them past about 4-5 months old. That meant I checked on them and calmed them EVERY TEN MINUTES until they fell asleep. TEN MINUTES.


We started co-sleeping at around 11 months out of desperation, and I regret not doing it earlier. My baby mostly sleeps in her crib now, but I love the couple of hours each morning she usually spends snuggled up with me. That said, it is mind-blowing how much space she takes up in the bed.

I personally think it's disgusting this campaign was so successful and I hope the Hugo Awards do more next year to prevent this rigging from happening. People who lose their shit about two women on Korra holding hands or have their boxers in a bunch because women, LGBT and people of color have "invaded" their white,

The problem comes with how easily TSO succumbs to guilt; if he suggests getting help and she lays it on him that she's "not good enough" or that he thinks she's "crazy" and all that - which in my experience is entirely possible - then there is no helping her at all. And if she plays that card once and he caves, then

I imagine that is where the discrepancy happens. If a boy doesn't write out a step the teacher might judge that they inherently knew it anyway. If a girl doesn't write out a step but comes to the same answer then they could judge it as luck?

I wouldn't say it is getting worse... I would say its getting more vocal. Racism has always been there, just look at how Tolkien and C.S. Lewis portray minorities in their stories. Anyone who is not white basically serves evil. It is an undercurrent that has existed in the genre for decades. It is one that a white