Jerry Springer at least has political chops from before he was a trash tv host. (And also his biographical history is insane. He did the British version of Who Do You Think You Are? Which you can find on YouTube)
Jerry Springer at least has political chops from before he was a trash tv host. (And also his biographical history is insane. He did the British version of Who Do You Think You Are? Which you can find on YouTube)
Well considering a lot of reps have started requiring ID that shows you live in their district to attend...
blech. libertarians are icky.
I said RWNJ
RWNJ internet says he was a bernie bro
39% of voters voted for Herbert Hoover in 1932 over FDR.
your lips to Bob’s ears...
Also where is he hiding the barrels of DIP and how can we keep him away from Roger Rabbit.
Doesn’t Trey Gowdy have a toon he needs to shove in a barrel of DIP somewhere?
And yet they’re against increasing the minimum wage so they don’t have to subsidize the employees of Walmart et al who don’t make a living wage.
A thirty tweet rant would take him over a day to type up.
2012? try 1992.
Why not? everyone fucking hates him.
crap. brainfart. it was that he thought it meant past-tense sad and he didn’t know about the vehicle.
crap. brainfart. it was that he thought it meant past-tense sad and he didn’t know about the vehicle.
crap. brainfart. it was that he thought it meant past-tense sad and he didn’t know about the vehicle.
or when they’ve only read but never heard. Hubby thought “moped” was a past-tense term for scooter for a long time.