
I use both interchangeably. Growing up in DC which has a confusing accent situation due to the influx of people from everywhere, raised by NY Jew native parents means my speech patterns are hilarious.

I know if *I* gave away info that maybe got a Mossad Agent killed, I wouldn’t want to go there a week later.

All I know is if *I* gave up info that maybe got a Mossad agent killed, I wouldn’t want to go to Israel a week later. Or show my face in public. Or private.

100%. Dude thinks Elijah Cummings said he was one of the best presidents ever.

I liked the “you will not replace us” chant... I don’t want to replace them. I just want them gone.

I feel bad for whatever poor sucker had the seat behind him

sounds like the kind of man who’ll get shot the day before the primary.

How did no one find a way to cancel this after Trump said he’s going to cut their funding?

Also the GOP in the mid 70s had more integrity.

If he was going to be fired for what happened last summer, it should have been on day 1.

If he should have been fired, he should have been fired on day 1. Can’t say he’s firing him for shit that happened last summer when it’s now.

My money’s on General Flynn.

this is very jarring to see next to the article bout how NH has the best gender equity in political representation.

can you imagine being so much of a one-party system that you have to impeach a governor from your own party?

Not to be that guy, but lady needs a version of your article about Sean Spicer slowly turning orange.

No it’s not FREE. Taxpayers and healthy people on insurance are paying for it. And paying more than we’d pay to subsidize these people’s preventative care.

No, we should work to better the world for ourselves and for others with empathy and when it helps these people, it’s a completely acceptable side effect.

who are these mythical strawpeople who support the ACA with no changes? No major legislation is perfect from launch, something every democrat in congress will tell you. You pass the guts, then make changes to improve it.