it was before that. the Senate went nuclear when McConnell openly declared his entire goal in life was to ensure Obama was a failed president.
it was before that. the Senate went nuclear when McConnell openly declared his entire goal in life was to ensure Obama was a failed president.
Toxic narcissist & sociopath, not psychopath
see also: Miami Cubans happily voting against immigrants rights because they had special treatment.
don’t worry, they’ll blame it on the lazy welfare moms using up all the government money
I’m mad this administration has enabled me to spell the word dilettante without looking it up.
I forget who it was, but one of the Dem senators pointed out that people *weren’t* shocked since it had been used *before* (including in the “red line” fiasco he keeps harping on).
Seriously, he would step in and fix Trump’s bullshit word salad, and then Trump would jump back in to add more nonsense.
My favorite was: “with a chemical gas that is so lethal... people were shocked to hear what gas it was”
Honestly, I have zero faith in any survey given to high school students anyway. No one takes them seriously and everyone lies (or at least we did when I was in HS)
I’m an independent, but I’m certainly not “moderate.” I disagree with a lot of bullshit that comes from all politicians, but I also know exactly how necessary it is, how much is built into the design of the country. You can argue that both sides are fundamentally flawed but they also have a fundamental disagreement…
To be fair, they do have a concurrent campaign for their mens’ line about toxic masculinity (but not that explicitly).
Holy shit, just saw the awkward remarks from the trade union meeting where they boo-ed him.
Jeff Sessions on police reform: “It is not the responsibility of the federal government to manage non-federal law enforcement agencies.”
Unless it’s related to ICE or Marijuana.
we’ll see how long that lasts once they start getting deported to Mexico. (despite having citizenship and not being from Mexico)
I know it’s petty but this made me laugh so hard.
I’m not saying it’s a good option. I’m saying it’s irrelevant since McConnell completely destroyed any pretense of good faith governing.
Dems are fucked either way. Next guy Trump nominates is going to be David Duke or Richard Spencer anyway and he will get through with no backlash against republicans because there never is.
Forget Garland, it’s about the massive expanse of obstructionism over 6 years.
Reminder: McConnell’s Republican Opposition Congress filibustered 79 Obama nominees before Reid went for the nuclear option.