As a Jewish person, get the fuck out of our scripture. You wrote your own that allegedly supersedes ours We know ours isn’t supposed to be taken as gospel.
As a Jewish person, get the fuck out of our scripture. You wrote your own that allegedly supersedes ours We know ours isn’t supposed to be taken as gospel.
If they *actually* managed to gut medicare/medicaid/social security, they might notice.
I *really* hope Sessions goes hard after the two (I think there’s only 2) states with recreational pot and republican governors. It would make me so happy.
I still have a little bit of faith left that putting his government hands on their medicare/medicaid *might* wake up a few folks...
A disturbing amount of things we expect from presidents and presidential candidates are not actually law, just tradition. No one expected the American people to elect a fucking psychopath who doesn’t respect the concepts/spirit of the presidency (well they did, but it took so long for it to happen that the EC was…
Brookings is a non-partisan think tank. Thinking that’s a bad thing isn’t a virtue.
I know it makes me a horrible, callous person, but *that’s what the money is for*. They took the job knowing that getting hurt in service of citizenry is possibility. Yeah, it’s sad when a cop gets hurt, but it’s not *more* sad than when they abuse their power to prevent themselves from getting hurt.
eh, he’s just filling offices with the same victim-complex, insufferable /btards that make up his online cult.
eh. I grew up reading books in restaurants.
If only he’d included a reference to a dumb pun about mail carriers...
Drew, the only thing that would make this post better is if you had included an unfunny article based on a dumb pun about postal workers.
What part of “anyone but HamNo” did you miss, JezStrikers?
And burneko! (Actually, anyone but HamNo please)
You overestimate how much attention the average person pays to this stuff. And underestimate how gulible the average person is.
*we* knew. *they* didn’t, either because they were stupid, not paying attention, or just plain desperate. He promised them he’d not cut medicare/medicaid.
My favorite of the day was the discussion of which bill was more pages: “This (ACA) is *Government*. This (Trumpcare) is not.” <— yeah we know sean
we’ll see how the trumpcare dumpster fire does. if this doesn’t make them break from him, literally nothing will
more likely the AHCA dumpsterfire