
more likely the AHCA dumpsterfire. even Breitbart hates it.

yeah, but this bill is going to take away what they feel they earned.

nah, more like “let them have access to purchase cake”

how dare you punish someone for trying to leave behind a better life for their child? :P

Republicans think that poverty (and now, apparently, being middle class) is a moral failing. They see the (completely ridiculous) American Dream - “If you work hard, you will succeed and move up the economic/social ladder” and all they take from it is that if you *don’t* succeed, it’s because you *didn’t* work hard.

we don’t owe that to her. We owe it to *us.* Fuck her.

And NC said they’d repeal the Anti-Worker’s Rights/Minimum Wage Bill (AKA bathroom bill) if Charlotte repealed their Worker’s Rights/Minimum Wage bill... how’d that work out?

I’m pretty sure we’re all going to end up in reeducation camps. I just wish they’d get on with it so I don’t have to go back to work after lunch

The delay last week post-joint session speech can be used as evidence that the homeland security argument is bullshit, right?

I’m totally ready for Trump to just get us all nuked.

part of it, but at least they tried to use it for good.

Muslim & Mexican (and anyone who racists think might be either). VOICE won’t discriminate against which brown people they target.

Jews generally aren’t consider white people outside of the US. Inside the US it’s insanely fucking complicated (we’ve benefited greatly from the black/white racial split being the only one that mattered for centuries, and many elements of American Judaism reflect concerted efforts to assimilate as much as possible).

in general, comparing US immigration (or many other things, really) to anywhere in Europe is silly, because our population (number & diversity), border control & fucking GEOGRAPHIC SIZE is nowhere in the same ballpark.

It was Morning Joe too, but not that they’ve begun explicitly trying to influence him against Bannon & the other whackjobs, he’s probably not allowed to watch it anymore.

he won’t cancel them - the goal is to disenfranchise enough people that he can ‘win’ without needing to “do anything wrong.”

Re your *

“every reason” to, except the only two that matter:

Like with most federal “overreach” regulations, it exists because the state system wasn’t working to protect anyone but the status quo. If we could trust the states and private industry to do everything themselves, we wouldn’t need a civil rights act or the voting rights act (fuck you very much “its successes prove we