
Pushing moderate (let’s be real, center-right) Dems left will be easier than getting blood from a stone.

Obama was anemic on Marriage Equality until the left-wing of the party put enough pressure on him. But if Romney was in office, do you think the left-wing of the Dems would have swayed *him*?

next up, they tell one staffer Trump’s Russian code name is Tinkle and one that it’s Derp, and see which one makes it into the news.

Spicer wasn’t orange until a few weeks in, Trump’s been making him use self tanner.

they checked personal phones too, whatever ppl had on hand when they were called in.

and Perez is an Obama guy, not a Clinton guy... so maybe give him a chance?

If they’re afraid they can’t win w/o corporate donors, it’s because we haven’t demonstrated we’ll show up without it. And we won’t show up because they take corp money?

It’s a catch 22, and neither side trusts the other enough to take a leap of faith. If we lose one more state GOP can call a Constitutional Convention.

It’s insane to me that some people won’t listen to the long-time party members/voters who supported Ellison. Or even Ellison himself. They have valid criticisms about the DNC and even about Perez, but this is just self-defeating.

I feel like a lot of the most ardent objectors don’t really understand how any of this

say what you want about Hillary, but Obama got a massive healthcare plan (with a lot of problems) through a congress full of Blue Dogs dumbing it down and Republicans obstructing him. And it’s proving to be nearly impossible to repeal. That’s a pretty big step towards progressivism, IMHO. And his reward was

No, the logic used by Trump supporters is either “I am a giant asshat” or “I’ll vote for the R no matter what.” The logic used by actual “reluctant Trump voters” has been “oh shit, I better get to a town hall right now.”

the immediate “ellison’s a sellout” turnaround was ever so exhausting.

More people need to run. If you don’t like the Democrat options in your district, run. Run for State houses or even School Boards. get some skin in the game.

The actual base of democrats are the people who show up regularly at local and state-wide elections, not the people who show up once every four years to argue we’re too far to the right. I’d love the party to move farther left, but until and unless progressives actually get things going from the ground up and show

The last thing we need is an opportunity to lose another reliable vote in the senate.

didn’t that already happen? I swear someone found his embarrassing reddit account or something.

It’s really unfair of the Democrats to elect people like Gabby Giffords, just so they demonstrate how fucking pathetic Republicans are.

Recreational only though, not medicinal (yet). Most of the recreational states are liberal... So let’s get on with it, Nevada & Maine.

The activist made a choice to break the law and is suffering the consequences for it. what’s your point?

I have done some of those jobs. I wouldn’t survive if I had to keep doing them for an extended period of time, I’d get fired or be in jail for assault.

Someone pointed it out last year and I can’t unsee it. Now that twitter lets you tag people in photos, I’ve taken to posting this and tagging him in it any time someone mentions him. It’s just too perfect, especially given his committees.