
45 himself is more of a putz.

so it turns out republicans are in favor of affirmative action, but only for themselves. shocker

oh yeah, click on the replies to any of his posts.

it’s easier for people to pretend RvW isn’t relevant to them than the military.

Don’t worry about their base. forget them, they’re loud but they’re still a minority. Focus on the people who are already paying attention - there’s been plenty of people at the town halls/resistance movements who voted for these dickheads, but *are* actually reachable. The woman who badgered Tim Scott into glomming

yup. I got super pissed about that dumbass NYTimes article this weekend, because the fact of the matter is that any conservative/republican/christian who is actually outraged or reachable *already is* coming around on their own. The people who say liberals need to be nicer to them *never will*.

and his own followers are mansplaining to him on twitter.

It’s easier to get kosher/halal meat when the communities are near each other too.

I’ve been going with a shonda fur die goyim.

sheer unmitigated “fuck you I got mine and I’m special” greed.

and then her people were like: this is great, we can leak this and make some liberals hate her less!

Nah. this is all incredibly convenient - my guess is it’s designed to make her look like a human without actually requiring her to *do* anything (like collins/murkowski voting against her confirmation knowing no one else would).

what’s fun is a lot of the (very few) Jews who support Trump probably don’t even consider Ivanka truly Jewish, if their rabbi/sect is more orthodox than hers.

bear from franklin is fucking terrifying, btw

Nah, they’d go to ban it outright, which won’t happen - much like with the ACA, you can’t put the ketchup back in the bottle.

Christ, I want him to go hard after medical marijuana so bad. See what happens when he goes against “states’ rights” governors of red states.

So is fucking DeVos. This is just bogus posturing like Murkowski & Collins voting against her in the first place.

I give her zero credit for this, the exact same amount I gave Murkowski & Collins for voting against her confirmation. If I had to guess who leaked this, it’s probably her own people - this way she gets to get some pats on the back from human beings while not actually doing anything.

His son-in-law is a shonda fur die goyim. Much like Trump, the Kushners care for no one but themselves.
