look up her interactions with Susan Sarandon. worth it.
yeah I’ve been tweeting at my reps (Schumer, Gillibrand & Nadler) to keep doing what they’re doing... #ResistanceRecess. Not sure I’m doing it right.
One of my friends is an OBGYN and spoke at a recent Tuesday w/ Toomey. She also got to meet the governor as part of an effort to urge him to veto the latest anti-abortion bullshit law if it gets passed. Super proud of her.
but what if instead I just demand everything happen exactly as I want it to immediately, and if it doesn’t I take my ball and go home and sit on the sidelines complaining for 4 years and then show up again to complain that democrats are too centrist and tank their chances?
On point
I’m also a chronic over-tipper. Because I couldn’t do any of their jobs if you paid me twice my current salary. I did temp work in the summers and one month at a call center nearly killed me. I work in advertising! I add zero value to the world, but they keep paying me for it.
I just wrote out pretty much the same story. Are you my brother?
It never even really occurred to me until near the end of high school how weird our money situation was compared to my friends. Looking back on it we were filthy rich compared to my theater friends but seemed poor compared to the other band kids. My folks valued experiences over stuff, and it never occurred to me as…
I feel so left out, all my feedback for my reps has pretty much just been: you keep doing what you’re doing.
someone suggested if his argument had been about 13 yr old girls, he’d still be speaking, and I have to agree.
I’m just happy he’s been staying out of NYC.
point taken... the fine print was hard to read.
nope, threw fox under the bus
I have to say that Irish dude looks more like a racist Jewish caricature
I always ask them if they want religion to the basis for laws, would they be OK with a law banning blood transfusions (because of Jehovah’s Witnesses) or Sharia Law and they never answer me.
nope. He sold his principles for a chance at the top of the ticket, after Rove and Bush trashed him in 2000. He gets no credit.
you’re giving trump voters far too much credit.