
at least he didn’t ask Frederick Douglass to set up the meeting.

At least he didn’t ask if Frederick Douglass could set it up?

Yeah. It’s like how Warren is good with defense spending because it’s a big part of MA economy. Liberals try to hard to eat our own.

Sorry my phone is being a jerk.

I meant the guy by the door.

The one with the sign is- the one by the door at the top of the stairs is black.

Safety claims are bullshit, but what’s he supposed to say? Pharmaceutical industry is a major portion of the NJ economy and a massive employer so I’m going to put the economic interests of my constituents over the health needs of the nation?

I know right? I don’t understand the “physically blocked by protesters” narrative. Ooooh scary black man! !

It’s complicated- He reps New Jersey... I can’t blame him for protecting NJ jobs.

Don’t give them any excuses, gop reps are already hiding from their constituents for “safety” reasons.

Spoiler: it’s because he wants to abolish the DoE.

Not if mcmullin runs. He’s still a schmuck but at least he’s a schmuck with principles and cojones.

It’s because there’s not a good solution that seems plausible. Paying Ag workers fairly would make it even harder for low income families to buy nutritious foods... unless we subsidize the farmers (not just corn!) and raise taxes on the ultra wealthy to pay for it

Eh I’d argue trump being a whiny POS throwing tantrums on Twitter has more of a sway on the judges than the public. If there’s one thing judges hate, it’s people questioning them

Those are replies. They are mostly people going: wtf is wrong with you? or grow up.

Problem is there’s also a lot of people like you (legal immigrants) who have the same less than attitude towards the undocumented.

In 08 a dude who was literally in prison was competitive against obama in the WV dem primary. It’s like no one told them the Dixiecrats switched parties.

Not as long as he still needs to pretend he likes Jews.