Someone pointed out the oddity that you’re more likely to have been murdered in the last 15 years by a New England Patriot than a refugee.
Someone pointed out the oddity that you’re more likely to have been murdered in the last 15 years by a New England Patriot than a refugee.
She also gets pushback from the “leftists” for being “too corporate” because they are fucking idiots.
he read it but replaced session’s name with “the individual.”
They’re trying to turn her into the 2020 Hillary, except without 30 years of groundwork & baggage. good luck with that.
This little worm is somehow still proud of himself...
the rule is based on a senator who fucking beat another senator with a fucking cane.
yeah... on the bright side, people are paying attn. who would have thought 150,000 people would livestream arguments in front of a federal appeals ct?
the really good news for them is that because they kept her from talking, far fewer people will hear/see the letter. Certainly it won’t be shared all over social media and the news.
GOP: “Milo Yiannopoulos has a right to speak!”
and this whackjob.
Anyone who voted for Jill Stein is a fucking moron.
He also hasn’t held a town hall since 2013. fuckhead.
And also 3) the entire concept of government and taxes is that 10 people can get more for $10 than if they each only have $1.
yeah... congresscritters, whatever they are, know where everyone else’s bodies are buried.
Problem with sessions or price is that they are sitting senators so it’s harder to get people to vote against them out of a misguided sense of professional courtesy.
weird, it’s almost like none of them have to suffer the consequences in the meantime
forget 2000, we should have learned from 2010!
If I had more respect for him, would think this is a smart move by McConnell/Ryan to focus attention on a false hope (vs sessions, price, Pruitt) and then demoralize the opposition.
Murkowski and Collins only came out against DeVos because they knew no one else would. This way they get to pretend to be “mavericks.”