
There’s nothing wrong with pre ordering, it’s just Kotaku has reverted back to what they were last summer. Pandering for page clicks, and flooding the feed with obscure Japanese culture posts.

American Jack Sock

That is incredible. When Greg Norman collapsed on the golf course, he always had to wait until Thursday to get back out there.

I guess he didn’t care if he ever got back.

There’s much easier groups than Barca’s one.

Against the mighty Club Brugge!

What was the finale of MASH like?

does that say “drunk women”? ya know, just to clarify?

Your... species?

Glad to see Lennay Kekua has found a new beau.

Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

It might not’ve been unfair to Cowherd, cause he’s a dope and his message was still offensive and stupid.

You had me at “Colin Cowherd needs to stop talking.”

Kind of unfair to make them play Trinidad AND Tobago at the same time.

Yeah, I’m sure you would do all of those things, Keyboard Warrior.

Format 90%

When I say it out loud, it sounds lame, but we ran a massive adult kickball league down here in Baltimore. Still thriving, like 4,000 people playing per season.

You can see the instant the lightbulb goes on in Lynch’s head