
Tune in this season. George R.R. Martin is a lifelong liberal who protested the Vietnam War and names Jimmy Carter as one of his heroes. Although he denies allegories in "A Song of Ice and Fire", he admits that his political views have shaped the story. There will be some poignant events that speak about imperialism,

Right? And bird poop and dead bugs and dirt and leaves and beer cans and candy wrappers and condoms.

... ... what does it say about me that I'm more disgusted by the city's decision to dump that much water than I am by the teen's decision to piss in it?

As someone who has been very open about my depression, suicide attempt and recovery, and someone who's recovery included mindfulness meditation and yoga, I have always been VERY vocal about the "weapons grade" pharmaceuticals and conventional therapy that were also so integral to my recovery. I always say that yoga,

When my Grandma was 94, she told me that she sometimes looking in the mirror and thought - Who's that old woman. Where is Mary? But then, she told me, she realizes that she's the same inside where it counts.

That someone would NEVER clean the head of their vibrator made me gag huge. Shudder.

It also troubles me immensely when someone of a privileged group romanticizes membership in a marginalized group. It usually occurs in those who misguidedly believe that just being black or gay or whatever automatically makes a person different and therefore interesting. And if there was any room for doubt, yes, I'm

I have always felt a strong and emotional connection to members of the LGBTQ community. It was actually a huge disappointment for me, when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men. So when my sister came out, Ithought, Thank God, someone in this family can truly represent my passions and

I could not get through 'Metamorphosis. Something bugged me about the main character.

People realize we can like, go into space and see stuff? Far apart from the fact that you don't even need to go into space to observe and calculate the ways in which the planets move.

So now there is a third way I'm supposed to feel about my body and then feel guilty if I don't??

Someone (a guy, of course) tried to tell me that just because a woman is posing sexily on a movie poster that it doesn't hurt anyone. Well yeah, out of context it's not a big deal right? But add in the context of rape culture and objectification and centuries of patriarchal bullshit, etc etc, and suddenly it doesn't

really informative and enlightening response. thank you.

Just wanted to say I agree with everything you said, and you said it so well.

I know nobody will even read this because once there are over 100 comments barely anyone reads the Pending comments, but thatz okay.

I always make an easy to remember password for every site I go on: I take an ex girlfriend's name, then l33t it, then use a mildly offensive phrase about why we broke up, then translate the whole thing into another language.