
Is this really reasonable? I wouldn't want to drink water that was peed in but on the other hand, as was indicated, there is probably animal pee in there already. The amount of pee of this one dude bro probably wouldn't even register in a random water sample given the enormous volume.

Categorize your needs and wants and allow yourself a want on the list of needs. Not a specific thing but rather allow for one selfish, short-lived, unhealthy, hedonistic expense every once in a while.

His family didn't live like that for seven years because up until four years ago, his eldest daughter wasn't alive. He and his wife lived like that and they were both capable adults who made a decision on how to live your life. But if you have the responsibility over a child, especially one that can't fully articulate

"I was very keen on Reeva," he said. "I think I was maybe more into her than she was at times with me."

It's a nice idea but it doesn't work very well. I'd say it can't work very well.

The article and the article it sources from both mention the Secret Menu as if that existed and as a fast food slave, I will always point out that this is bullshit.

Absolutely. (Can't recommend for some reason but I agree completely.)

Whenever there is an article on the secret menu of fast food franchises, there is something that needs to be said:

In the TLo link, she doesn't look make-up free. More like she drastically reduced make-up but still went for mascara+eyeliner.

I think it's a fitting ending, if only because it works so well with my reason for dropping the show somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th season. (I kept up with the development to see the mom.)

What Americans consider socialist and what actual socialism means are two vastly different things.

My heart goes out to you and your family. It's such a horrible situation to be in. Internet hugs if you're interested?

Ah, my bad. It wasn't supposed to sound super pessimistic. English is hard sometimes.

It's a nice sentiment but at her age it's also a lot of empty words. A woman without wrinkles can boldly declare not to be bothered by their threat to her social standing but it's the woman who sees her own decay and shrugs it off that deserves the bigger awe.

I'm glad the experience doesn't hurt you anymore. :)

That was a horrible thing to watch. And a great thing to watch. So often, male victims of rape are either ignored or ridiculed. I do it too, when I think of rape I think of a woman as the victim first. Statistically, that's probably alright but human beings aren't numbers and each and every individual instance of

You don't like to talk about "babies or clothes or makeup or dating or diets or weddings" and you have some female friends who don't like to talk "about babies or clothes or makeup or dating or diets or weddings".

It's a disease that afflicts many an idle rich person.

Hey! :)

I don't believe I said that at all but if you cannot look at abusive relationships without judging the ones suffering from it as feeble and weak, then we are too different to have a successful conversation anyway. There is a difference between saying "women can't do x, because they suck" and "this is why doing x