The Ultimate Tea Cup


I’m guessing queer folk might feel the same about most character’s heterosexuality being shoved in everyone’s face unasked. Not totally unrelated to how annoyed I always was growing up that all cartoon characters celebrated Christmas (I’m Jewish).

I’m sure America will take this in stride and not freak the fuck out over who a cartoon character likes to sleep with. 

This show is strange, and I kind of like it. Ever since the Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm, it feels like the creatives/directors have tried very hard to keep their stuff very grounded in the OT or prequel era. This feels really different. There’s no bombastic symphonic score, no Flash Gordon-esque screen wipes, no

A political refugee from the Timpani System. 

God I’m so tired. I kept reading “Strange New Worlds”, and was confused how and why Disney was making Star Trek. I need sleep.

Dammit now I want myself an escape goat.  Maybe one that can chew through chains and ropes, or one that slips out of hoof-cuffs.

The unmentioned backstory is usually that the 20-something in question is a trust fund kid whose parents have an 8- or 9-figure net worth and a network of influential relatives and business contacts. But by gosh it was all hard work!

That would be why I said “they don’t all” do that, to be entirely fair. But, yep, fair point. 

But they don’t all try to turn slave-traders into heroes.

You mean like what? They should do like “Braveheart?” No. Not that. Almost entirely fictional, that one. Also...Mel Gibson.

Yeah, this is one of those where sure, on the one hand, the criticism is accurate, and on the other hand, it also applies to almost every historical drama ever made.

I think it’s trope subversion. And she’s not really all that much of a joke. Sure her initial first impression is of a 1 dimensional party girl, but all of her actions from the portal onward subvert that. The viewer would expect her to freak out and be some high maintenance, demanding entitled overly emotional mess

The show’s second and final season has a trailer at last...

It says right on the trailer that they think it falls under “fair use”

It would be kind of great if on each slide or beneath it you could explain the reference. I know most of these but some I have zero clue what I’m looking at and would be curious to find out. 

Trademark, Germain, not copyright. That should be an amusing legal battle if Jen tries to prove prior art and usage. Titania will need a registrable mark, too, speaking of art. The joy of trademark trolling, something Marvel Comics could advise on. I just hope they get full on laughs out of the case, and conclude it

never thought i’d see the day where someone on a Disney plus show was blatantly watching HBO Max XD

I enjoyed the first 3 eps but found myself laughing far more with this episode.