The Ultimate Tea Cup

At sufficiently large scales, 0 and 100 are as close to each other as to make no difference anyway.  :-P

were, were not- you’re really splitting hairs here. You gonna cry next about the numbers zero and one hundred not being interchangeable as equal values?   /s

At this point, Jalop writers are probably leaving errors in to reassure us they aren’t generative AI. As opposed to before, when they just weren’t being paid enough to care.

Author clearly meant they were so badly injured that the adrenaline-fueled shock had kicked in that allowed them to get up quickly.

a coupe of people

everyone who was down on the ground got back up fairly quickly, which means they probably were too badly hurt.

I wanna be snarky but, minus the LARPing elements, the hotel sounds like something I would’ve dreamed of and loved to go to as a kid. I haven’t watched the video yet so I can’t speak to where Disney cut corners, but I suspect that child me wouldn’t have cared. If the hotel had been priced at least somewhat affordably

As a LARPer who goes to two-day events that cost $100 at most,  this whole thing has been a pretty delightful experience to watch from afar. Some of my richer friends did go, but were super annoyed that yes, the game did randomly assign them to factions. If there’s anything a LARPer hates, it’s being railroaded. Oh,

You mean LARPers aren’t typically massively wealthy? Well, I guess they can still play in the steam tunnels.

My theory has been that the hotel failed because its target customers — well off tech bros who love Star Wars — were disproportionately likely to find the in-person roleplaying elements to be deeply socially uncomfortable.

I would hazard a guess that most people just aren’t into an immersive roleplaying experience. Even fewer could actually afford $5k for a 2 day trip to, again, a windowless hotel in Florida. They should’ve just run the thing as a regular themed hotel. A lot of people would be perfectly content to pay a reasonable

One of the many highlights: the hotel rooms, for a thousands of dollars per day experience, did not provide fully-paid Disney+ access.

The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.”

Disappointed that the RX-78 did not break free of its cage and seek freedom in the greater Tokyo area (or outer space).

Stick with me here... The malice isn’t in the intent, but in the ignorance of the assumption.

I think a lot about AI media and the current state of AI, and I think a disconnect is that a lot of media is about how AI develops to be on par with humanity on an emotional and cooperative level (AI recognizing that they both have the same flaws and struggles and that they’ll be able to accomplish great things if

“Challenging long-held ideas around the Force—and blurring the lines between the Light and Dark sides—is a relatively new path in Star Wars media”

Leaving your plot unresolved until the next installment is in fact what a cliffhanger is. 

I think you might be on to something, actually. I’m sure there’s a mention or allusion toward her “teenage body” in the training dummy scene where Paul’s a bit on the creepy side before they decide she needs to get laid urgently...

I like the expression of that girl’s face in the first photo, good shot.

This one probably could have used a slideshow...