The Ultimate Tea Cup

I'm intrigued by all the obviously stock store mannequins posing on/with the dinosaurs. Were they part of the original design? Were they added later? They actually add a nice touch to these bad looking dinosaurs - the mannequin in picture #13 in particular has a great expression on her face that exactly matches the

Came expecting a swimming robot shark that I could let loose in a pool full of screaming kids, left disappointed...

That's actually a funny idea for a candid camera video.

Why do you find it hard to believe that a Western anime would be unknown in Japan? Here I would define "unknown" as your average Japanese person being highly unlikely to have ever heard of it.

Sorry, I guess my response was a bit abrupt - I didn't see your response when I posted my comment.

Point #1 - just because you've had sex, doesn't mean you are not asexual.

@mkirkland: Alternatively, he could be referring to bitter male divorcees.

I can't comment on you first paragraph, but see Miyazaki Hayao's various successful anime movies as obvious examples disproving the suggestion that the Japanese don't like strong female characters.

And not a single bike - I am disappoint.

Caption contest!


I have great respect for this young woman and the way she handled the situation. Without creating a situation she calmly played along, quietly alerted the flight attendants, and then returned to her seat so as not to make him suspicious. "Do what you need to" should be quote of the week.

Huh, I stand corrected. It in fact was exactly what it appeared to be. Although I'm still not sure why the ascent stage is firing it attitudes jets, but as it was designed by the engineers who designed and built the lunar module, I guess they knew what they were doing.

Except for the 1968 one - what is that meant to be? It looks like the two stages of the lunar lander module are separating in Earth/moon orbit while firing their jets and doing some sort of pitch/yaw maneuver.

I watched it on BBC America (why no BBC America HD on U-verse, dammit?!) If you liked the first season I can recommend the later seasons, although they did not wrap up all of the plot arcs very well.

Strange - I thought Mickey was much worse than Rory. He never felt like Rose's boyfriend, and it wasn't until much later that he became pretty awesome - I think the turning point for me was when he decided to stay in the alternate universe and fight the cybermen?

I've liked Rory up until now, but agree that his part in this episode was written very well. Rather than just following after the Doctor worrying about Amy, he made decisions, set off on his own and interacted with other characters.

I'm really looking forward to new episodes of Primeval. It started out as a B-grade, fun popcorn TV shows that I could just turn my brain off and enjoy, but over the last couple of seasons they've had multi-episodes story arcs and interesting character development.

It's River Tam - a Firefly spinoff! (Just trying to rile up the Browncoats.)

So all the chumming of water people do to attract sharks is pointless? [citation needed]