@g.blazers1: Man, another fond memory from childhood. As hokey as the series might seem now, I'm fairly certain that the final episode where we learn the fate of Starbuck is still good.
@g.blazers1: Man, another fond memory from childhood. As hokey as the series might seem now, I'm fairly certain that the final episode where we learn the fate of Starbuck is still good.
@jinchoung: That's what he wants to do, by building a huge ramp in Vegas
@Kogo: Yes, I was momentarily confused and excited by the prospect of Morgan Freeman as Bilbo.
@hercules_100_98: That scene gave me exactly the opposite impression - if they were from the future, they should not have been surprised at the level of technology they found having traveled to the past.
@nagumi: Either that, or the aliens were the crew - they seemed to be just the right size for the narrow corridors.
@JennaW: You must be a fellow Heroes fan, then.
@IDVariation: Agreed. It's trying to hard to be edgy and mysterious by jumping back and forth on the timeline. "Heroes" was able to pull this off to good effect in some episodes, but now it's not working for me at all.
@capnrob: It's been ages since I read it, but I believe technology growth was stunted to a certain degree, or take an alternate path.
@comics0026: Agreed. The series was pretty funny and seemed to be getting in to the groove.
@SkippyTheMarine: I believe this clip is an appropriate here.
@Smeagol92055: *footpalm*
@fluorescent: Oh. My. God. What did I just watch?
@Smeagol92055: No! Real men walk away from explosions really slow, without looking back.
@DangerousLiberal: No, silly. It's the new Australian "boomerang bomber". You never run out of boomerangs, but can accidentally bomb yourself out of the sky if you are not careful.
@Bigdamnhero: Because EIGO is cool! Yeah! Let's Engrisshu!
Damn you, io9. That's another webcomic you gotten me hooked on.
@Nivenus: Oh, good lord. Don't start one of those tedious arguements over what Heinlein's political leanings were. They take forever!
@EndangeredRed: Yes, I remember listening to that some time back - I think it's act III from here:
@pandafresh: It will be in about a century.
Whoa...it's like the ancestor to both Van Damme's "Double Impact" and Jackie Chan's "Twin Dragons".