The Ultimate Tea Cup

Either I'm caught in a time-loop where I have to redeem myself to escape, or the season premiere of The Big Bang Theory was last week, not this week.

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Initially intrigued by title, and then disappointed after reading article and finding out that the LSD was for the fish, not the fishermen.

@Rowen321: Dark Angel was a favourite of mine, too.

I am boycotting part 2 of the L4D comic because it came out so soon after part 1.

@jinchoung: Indiana Jones with a laser does not make sense because it does not fit in the internal logic of the world the film builds.

@jinchoung: Yes, that is the most incredulous thing about the physics portrayed in this movie *rolls eyes*.

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@SG-17: Obviously there's nowhere to land at the top, and transferring from helicopter to tower would no doubt be dangerous.

@Platypus Man: It's simple - just let the Wookiee win.

@NickFoote: Yeah, what the hell would the 'shipping' nickname for the relationship be? Zone? Zae?

@bluehinter: I get the point you are making, and I may be a little pedantic with what is a semantic arguement, but you are confusing the study of something (science or wizardry) with what it examines (gravity, etc., or magic).

@bluehinter: I'd say the statement makes sense.

NZ seems to have a very active film industry, and occasionally produces interesting SciFi films. These go way back, but I remember the following fondly:

What is it with BBC America showing all these SciFi related shows recently? They've been running ST:TNG for a while now, and have been showing films like Blade Runner, Superman.

@Squirrelbot3000: "Shipping" is the term used to refer to fan discussions over who will hookup with who in their favourite TV series, comic book, etc.

@Brandroid: Or more exciting as everyone switches to hydrogen balloons.