@Tina Sena: Yes, I thought that was a deliberate reference to fans 'shipping' discussions.
@Tina Sena: Yes, I thought that was a deliberate reference to fans 'shipping' discussions.
@attomolar: You forgot Harrison, as in Harry.
@Anekanta - Destroyer of Worlds!!!: This is relevant to Wells vs. Vernes (and one of my favourite webcomics)
@The_Sporean_Bob: Now that I look at it again in that light, it does look more like Carridine.
@Agrippa: Sorry - I wasn't nitpicking, but looking for clarification. Technogamer1992 above has clarified how many episodes are available / missing.
#4...It says David Carridine, but the face on the poster looks more like Chuck Norris to me.
@Agrippa: I thought a lot of the earlier episodes were no longer available because the BBC taped over them?
@Pierre Delacroix: Yeah, it was creeepy when he asked Lundgren to punch him in the mouth it seemed a little too earnest.
I thought this was a great episode. They managed to cram in a lot of content without making it feel rushed, or any of the plot elements incomplete. There were a lot of well-thought out jokes, as well as literal laugh-out-loud visual gags (bender being chased down the street by the Emperor's rebellious first office…
@Zuldim: I'm with you. The first was just a fun movie - not too pretentious, and didn't want or need you to take it serious like "Wanted" tried and failed to do. Plus, it had badass Samuel L Jackson.
@Tomb: R.O.A.C.H.: So was he taken over by the Goa'uld before, or after the tracheotomy.
@Decoy_Doctorpus: I don't know about that - there are some movies and TV series that have used total silence except for the sound of breathing (often in spacesuit) effectively.
@Cartman86: Maybe this episode was just meant to be a massive psychological experiment in to how people's beliefs affect their perception and memory?
@BeefSupreme: I think you want Second Life for that...Oh, wait, you wrote virtual "muffIT".
It's interesting reading through everyone's comments and seeing a wide range of reactions - from people offended that it took a strong anti-ID stance, to the other end of the spectrum with people who think the episode was weak and did not take a stance.
@corvus.imbrifer: I agree that the twist did not seem that well executed. I guess for me it was more that the second half seeming a little flat.
I'm looking forward to this - I've enjoyed the darker feel, the focus on Clone Troopers, and how they actually flesh out clones as individual characters (a paradox, to some extent). The episode with a Clone Trooper traitor, and then the one with a deserter were particularly good at showing how the 'grunts' in the…
@LFCD: I had a strange awakening about a year back when I realized that:
@zark169: Well, Japanese don't exclusively eat sushi with chopsticks - it's perfectly acceptable to eat sushi with your hands. Yakitori, too, can be eaten with hands, although it's already on a stick, so I guess it's a weird exception.
@Serge.: Ummm...Torchwood needs more Torchwood, first.